Their actions are captured using a small camera, and the video is transmitted to a laptop computer.
That means I can use my favorite web apps even if I'm using my friend's laptop or a computer at an Internet cafe.
The FBI said Chapman's computer would link wirelessly to a laptop in the minivan, using a built-in Wi-Fi chip.
On a remote island in Fiji, laptop still refuses to charge and using "business 'centre computer ?"
目前老娘远在斐济的一个小岛上,本本还在消极怠工,而用“商务中心电脑”(介嘛玩儿? !)
On a remote island in Fiji, laptop still refuses to charge and using "business 'centre computer ?"
目前老娘远在斐济的一个小岛上,本本还在消极怠工,而用“商务中心电脑”(介嘛玩儿? !)