Using object oriented method the manufacturing system is abstracted and generalized, the function model and data model of the cell controller are established.
Using object oriented method and workflow technology, this paper introduces the product definition workflow management, which is distributed and integrated computer supported environment.
An example in this category is the migration from a structured design method for a tool facing end-of-life to an object-oriented design method using the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
这类情况的一个典型的例子就是,使用UnifiedModelingLanguage (uml)将一个走到尽头的结构化的设计方法移植到一个面向对象的设计方法。
Second, a visual software for SRM electromagnetic field computation is developed by using object oriented programming, in which rotor movement problem is dealt with moving boundary method.
In view of the widely using of graphical object oriented analysis and design method, only can researches on model based software testing solve these conditions thoroughly.
For the better description of the complicated network environment in the real world, this paper designs a kind of cross-layer road network structure using object-oriented method.
The paper put forwards one kind of system modeling procedure by deploying CMM software procedure, applying Object-Oriented Method and using UML modeling language.
This paper discusses how to develop thermodynamic design software of the kettle using Object-Oriented method.
Information transformation technology from CAD system to digital assembly system was studied, and the product assembly model was built by using object-oriented method.
And I designed the five level structure of B2C tourism website the personalized services system using the Object Oriented method and the theory of software system structure for reference.
This paper presents a method of designing embroidery CAD system by using object-oriented technique.
The object-oriented testing period describes the method of using UML diagrams in testing.
The design of raster symbols and notes editing software by using an object-oriented programming method was discussed. The establishing key points of editing software are given.
The computation is implemented using object-oriented programming method.
Describes the assembly information of aircraft wing using Object-Oriented method, and establishes a uniform wing assembly hierarchical tree structure.
The system is established using the object-oriented programming method, it has relatively high stability and efficiency.
Using object-oriented method to unify descriptions for both objects and tuples, the model presents semantic links among objects, some operations on links and the method mechanism imposed on objects.
Abstract: : This research is focused on the identification and extraction of aquaculture area based on SPOT-5 image by using object-oriented classification method.
摘要:本文采用SPOT - 5数据源,基于面向对象方法对养殖水面的识别与提取进行了研究。
After deeply research on design principle and design method of plank furniture, a computer-aided plank furniture design system is developed by using object-oriented method.
Using of object-oriented systems theory and prototype method, develop the optimization decision support system.
This paper gives an implementation strategy for the object-oriented prototype method and lists three necessary steps during the development by using this method.
This thesis made a discussion on the application of object-oriented system design method and unified modeling language, describing system analysis and design by using UML language.
It developed the similarity measure software and realized the similarity measure methods and processes in this paper by using object-oriented method.
It developed the similarity measure software and realized the similarity measure methods and processes in this paper by using object-oriented method.