In 1924 he convinced the British government to encircle the world with a chain of wireless stations using the latest technology that he had devised, shortwave radio.
This car will be armored and plated using the latest technology.
Since it come out, Accord insist on using the latest technology for the …
EMF5000 series integrated electromagnetic flowmeter using the latest technology in the world.
In order to live up to the user's expectations, security experts have been using the latest technology.
Line, surface display mode pattern using screen printing, assembly assembly methods using the latest technology!
Are you using the latest technology to help maximize profitability and build a competitive advantage for your business?
Currently using the latest technology to print on floor MATS, doormat, pillow, headrest, sportswear, swimwear and so on.
Obtaining and using the latest technology. WebSphere middleware application server provides the following benefits and functionality
The Leeds University team said good nursing and the occasional laugh was a better way to get the body healing than using the latest technology.
Product types and specifications, fashionable and beautiful, its shelves full production using the latest technology spray, deep user's favorite.
The team has 72 hours to uncover the buried secrets of their assigned digs using the latest technology, decades of expertise and their own sharp wits.
Using the latest technology, scientists will screen tissue samples from the study looking for genetic variants that may predispose individuals to develop early atherosclerosis.
In these two years we have placed a great effort to develop two way car alarm system using the latest technology RF combo. It improves the longest distance, much compact and reliable.
Now the company plans to make three diamonds using Beethoven's hair to show their latest technology.
As a research center for environmental research built using the latest green technology, the building is an ideal marriage of form and content.
We're all about using the latest in sensory technology to enable safe control through redundant systems that provide input for acceleration, braking, steering, and other functions.
Even the sound of sheets being folded could be reproduced here and contained within the area using the latest audio technology.
The RSS feed plug-in checks for updates on the Australian Open event using RSS feed technology and displays the latest news headlines in the mini-app area of your Lotus Sametime Connect client.
rss提要插件将使用rss提要技术来查找有关澳大利亚公开赛的最新赛况,并在LotusSametimeConnect客户机的mini - app区域中显示最新的新闻标题。
The majority of travellers are not using mobile devices to visit travel related mobile sites according to the latest PhoCuswright Consumer Technology Survey.
By using the latest gaming technology, health workers can encourage them to exercise more to improve their mobility.
Your customer’s payments are sent directly to your commerical bank account using the latest security technology.
The groundbreaking study using the latest diving technology is said to have "revolutionised" thinking about deep-sea life.
Using the latest DNA-sequencing technology, Dr Krause and his colleagues worked out the order of the genetic “letters” of over 1m fragments of DNA from their sample.
Put the Earth to Work: John B. Carnett, PopSci's staff photographer, is using the latest green technology to build his dream home.
让地球工作起来:PopSci的全职摄影师John B .Carnett正在利用最新的绿色科技建设他的梦想家园。
Using the latest software may help you work around problems, as may using a conventional disk as the boot disk, restricting your new-technology disk to use as a data disk (/dev/sdb or higher).
Shell neat cutting oils are formulated using the latest additive technology and offer the following advantages.
These years, it is the latest research subject that GPS timing frequency calibrating data has been conducted by using Kalman filter technology in order to increase accuracy.
Women may struggle with handling the latest technology more often than men--but not when it comes to using it to spy on their husbands, researchers have found.
Is there really such a thing as "simple," now that we can view organisms using the latest in microbiological and biochemical technology?