An online identification algorithm was constructed using the least squares method and an RBF neuro network.
Compute the distance from each data sample to the cluster center (our randomly selected data row), using the least-squares method of distance calculation.
The method doesn't need to input the far - end equivalent impedance, while the solution is obtained by using the method of least squares, which theoretically ensures high accuracy.
Traditionally, the femoral anatomic axis is obtained by using the least-squares method directly.
Solar cell both exponent mathematical model can be obtained exactly using a few measurement data by the least squares fitting method that parameter can be separated.
Parameters of kinetics were estimated from experimental data by using mathematical model and the method of least squares, and the kinetic equation was obtained.
In this paper, using method of the least squares, optimized calculation of earthwork for leveling up construction site is discussed.
By using the method of matrix singular values decomposition, the general expressions of the least squares solutions are given.
In this paper, a method of operational matrix of differentiation is introduced in the identification of coefficients of linear distributed system by using Chebyshev series and least squares.
Shanghai Composite Index is an important index for Chinese stock market, and we apply the Least Squares Method with roughness penalty to smooth its historical data, using spline functions.
The principle of the digital image correlation method was described, and the relation between the crack tip displacement and the stress intensity factor was deduced using least squares fitting.
The analytical calculation of form, using penetration forecast method of nonlinear least squares search optimal lateral force, thus guidance commands was gain.
A meshless method using the moving least squares approximation is improved and applied to the numerical computation of electromagnetic fields.
The original spectrum is processed by using first derivative, and applying Partial Least-Squares method to set up linear mathematical model.
The 3-d resistivity inversion for minimum stricture using conjugate gradients shows good results as compared with traditional inversion method of least squares.
Using the method of Least Squares and the method of Selected Stars, the users Position and Velocity was got through the data acquiring from the simulator.
For the multisensor systems, using the weighted least squares (WLS) method, a weighted measurement fusion equation and a equivalent weighted measurement fusion system are obtained.
In the second step, the damage extent of possibly damaged elements is then evaluated using the least-squares method and a global optimization method, respectively.
Direct parameters were attained from the measurement data, and hidden parameters of the model were calibrated using the generalized least squares method.
To solve the above problems, we propose a cross-language information retrieval method using the interlingua semantics based on Partial Least-Squares (PLS) theory.
The height data of laser measurement were also linear fitted using the least-squares method and tilt Angle was obtained from the gradient of the linear fitted data.
The NIR quantitative analysis models of 5 detection indexes in validation set was established using partial least squares(PLS) method.
The NIR quantitative analysis models of 5 detection indexes in validation set was established using partial least squares(PLS) method.