The misguided projects that followed came from a mix of boredom and utopianism.
This was not, as you might suppose, a satire but what Mr Nader called “an exercise in practical Utopianism”.
Mr Lu s operational skills will serve him well coming on the heels of a founder with a tendency toward techno-utopianism and visionary thinking.
To me, this older conception of man's nature and destiny seems more realistic, more nearly in accord with the given facts, than any form of modern utopianism.
The utopianism of the book is, in many ways, the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis.
Since modern times, the ideal design of human future has been closely connected with science and thus formed the scientific utopianism with far-reaching significance.
As a social ideal and a social ideological trend, scientific utopianism has last for several centuries and has displayed huge transformation power upon human society.
As a social ideal and a social ideological trend, scientific utopianism has last for several centuries and has displayed huge transformation power upon human society.