The connection requires a certificate, and no valid certificate was found.
The Unified Messaging server will look for a valid certificate in this order.
Uninstall the application, and reinstall a new version with a valid certificate.
The customer can use a valid certificate issued by a certification authority (CA).
客户可以使用凭证授权单位 (CA)核发的有效凭证。
Passport/Pass No. : The number of the valid certificate for entering or leaving China.
Article 2 the lawyer's practice license is the valid certificate for lawyers to practice law.
Customer may only use a Certification Mark, provided he holds a valid Certificate of Conformity.
Certificate authentication in this scenario really means "is the server providing a valid certificate?"
So you can leave this text field empty (none) and later check that a valid certificate is selected at run time.
But if a valid certificate can be obtained, neither the user nor the browser have any idea that they have been hijacked.
Second, you must make sure that your supplier holds a valid certificate for organic products according to EU regulation 2092/91.
In the first case, that string is an explicit service level, for example GoldService, and in this case it is the CN of a verified, valid certificate.
Should your password paper or luggage plate be missing, please show us your valid certificate, and they can be fetched after correct verification.
Installing a valid certificate on a domain controller permits the LDAP service to listen for, and automatically accept, SSL connections for both LDAP and global catalog traffic.
The certificate and its trust are valid and the name checks out.
This effectively disables J2EE security context generation, which frees us from having to use a valid user name in the client certificate.
Check that the last condition, the security certificate has a valid name matching the name of the page you are trying to view, has a green checkmark associated with it.
It USES a default signature algorithm, SHA1 with DSA, to create a self-signed certificate valid for 180 days.
Better to think of it in terms of trusting that the identity bound to the certificate is valid and then setting criteria defining which identities are allowed to connect.
For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must check to see if it is still valid.
It is perfectly valid for two or more certificate authorities to issue certificates with the same DN component.
And if the ca certificate (s) fall into the wrong hands, outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization.
It USES the public key in a certificate generated by the ca and stored on the client to verify that the certificate presented by the LDAP server is valid.
Once the connection is established, the certificate should be checked to see that it is valid.
Client Auth Required: if this field is set, then clients connecting through this connector must supply a valid client certificate.
ClientAuth Required:如果设置此字段,那么通过此连接器连接的客户机必须提供有效的客户机证书。
The SSL (CLIENTAUTH) attribute in TSA tells CICS that it must receive a valid SSL client certificate before allowing the client to acquire the IPCONN.
TS A中的SSL (CLIENTAUTH)属性告诉CICS在允许客户端获取IPCONN之前必须先接收一个有效的SSL客户端证书。
Generate the certificate for root (valid for approximately 10 years) by self-signing it.
Listing 9: Verify that the certificate data represents an X509 token that we issued and that it is still valid.
Before this validation can happen, the KeyInfo must also be validated to ensure the certificate is valid.
Before this validation can happen, the KeyInfo must also be validated to ensure the certificate is valid.