Starting at the top of Listing 3, policies are valid for a set period of time.
The validity period is indispensable to a firm offer, that remains valid until a stipulated time or until it is accepted or rejected.
The quote should not be binding and only be valid for a short period of time.
Creating a public URL is a handy feature exposed by S3; in fact, with S3, you can create a public URL that is only valid for a period of time (for instance, 24 hours).
A table that includes temporal data has a pair of date-time columns that indicate the period (the time interval) when the row is valid.
Quite often, published content is only intended to be valid within a specific period of time.
Copyright has a set period of time for which it is valid and, unless you take some kind of action, you do not give up those rights.
The response to the above request (shown below) contains the authentication assertion with an attribute/condition that specifies the time period when the authentication is valid.
A ticket valid for a specified period of time, as for a series of performances or for transportation between designated points.
Methods the 5 cases with enhanced CT images were measured at each slice, then the Hu of aim position was obtained and the Hu time curve was got. At last, the valid enhanced period would be found.
If the letter of credit had been valid for a longer period, we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear.
Designated Credit Card accounts should remain valid and in good financial standing during the promotion Period and at the time of rewards fulfilment in order to be eligible for this promotion.
The former correct for the varying time-delays by using an approximation of the binary orbit which is valid only if the observation time is much less than the orbital period of the binary system.
Client's order shall be valid in accordance with the type and time of the given order, as specified if the time of validity of the order is not specified, it shall be valid for an indefinite period.
Please note: Cards are activated the first time they are used at an attraction and are valid for the number of calendar days you have purchased out of a 14 day period after activation.
第一次使用此卡购票后卡片开始激活生效。 除1日卡的有效期为1天之外,其他天数的卡片的有效期为14天,在14天中按照您选择的天数使用。
Please note: Cards are activated the first time they are used at an attraction and are valid for the number of calendar days you have purchased out of a 14 day period after activation.
第一次使用此卡购票后卡片开始激活生效。 除1日卡的有效期为1天之外,其他天数的卡片的有效期为14天,在14天中按照您选择的天数使用。