Before you part with your hard-earned cash, make sure that you are happy that you are getting value for money.
We have investigated a range of different camera models to see which is the best value for money.
Excellent value for money with this practical pedal exerciser.
Want to value for money to live in residential areas, cheap, as long as 50 yuan per day.
"Value for money and costs per medal become of secondary importance to actually winning," he said.
They compete against the old guard on value for money, which depends on both price and quality.
So I views that those following players should be traded to get better players value for money.
Overall - I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the room was, and the excellent value for money.
MGM tried to express this art, combining in a few years high quality productions with good value for money.
Our priority is maintaining the best relationship between quality and value for money in everyone's interests.
We have been committed to providing customers professional and value for money to enjoy and five star service!
Not surprisingly, he was constantly receiving complaints from all of them about his not giving value for money.
Resources would flow towards universities that were providing value for money and away from those that were not.
Instead you would say that it's reasonable prices or that it's good value for money, or you might say that it was a bargain.
The so-called penny stock, better quality products due to the higher cost price is relatively high, but this is value for money.
We need to stress not only the effectiveness of helmets in saving lives, but the fact that helmet programmes are good value for money.
These are tough times and taxpayers deserve the best value for money that their tax-payer, their tax dollars and our revenues can buy.
The chemical could have wide ranging implications for the florist industry, and provide better value for money for millions of consumers.
Anotherinterpretation would be that the fund is getting great value for money; it is receiving world-class services at rock-bottom prices.
Overall, the ThinkPad x100e delivers both reasonable performance and good value for money that make it stand out from much of the competition.
Mercadona products were ranked number one, in terms of value for money, in a recent survey of 5,200 households by TNS, a market researcher.
"Looking back, I think it represented good value for money – the teaching was excellent and the course was interesting and varied, " he says.
Other ways to get value for money include shortening your holiday, we have a range of 10- and 11-night holidays, if 14 nights is over your budget.
We believe in offering a customised service solution tailored to our clients' individual needs and expectations, while delivering value for money.
That is a very good clue to the type of brands that will prosper in 2009: those that represent good quality, no-nonsense and excellent value for money.
When retailers decide to pass on higher costs to consumers, they are increasingly trying to do so in ways that hint that they still offer value for money.
When retailers decide to pass on higher costs to consumers, they are increasingly trying to do so in ways that hint that they still offer value for money.