Valuing these liabilities is tricky because they stretch many years into the future and their current worth swings wildly in response to small changes in the “discount rate” used to value it.
Some observers questioned why, if IT had conferred economic value, it did not produce direct competitive advantages for individual firms.
I still keep that brick and always value it as the most important thing I have as it has brought me luck and success.
Not to diminish the importance of server virtualization nor the value it provides, but if you are building a private cloud, you will have to go beyond just server virtualization.
If they resolve to the same value, it is purely coincidental.
A story is a description of functionality to be implemented in the product, often stated in terms of what user roles the feature supports and what business value it offers them.
When you expand your definition of what work is to a mutually beneficial exchange of value, it becomes more of a blessing and an opportunity.
Is there a business reason for building the application and is the customer willing to pay for the value it will deliver?
When something is offered free for any length of time, people begin to value it less.
It then bought most of them back for only about a third of face value. It thus has no immediate prospect of issuing new bonds in international markets.
In contrast dynamically typed languages bind the type to the actual value referenced by a variable, meaning that the type of a variable can change along with the value it references.
After a short time, Alice tells Bob that the photon she sent should have been measured in mode one; she does not tell him what value it should have been.
One of the easiest ways for me to discover whether I’m working on important or urgent items is asking myself how much value it will provide myself or others.
Why alpha takes on the precise value it has, so delicately fine-tuned for life, is a deep scientific mystery.
Firms in which loyalty to the state goes beyond the economic value it offers usually expect something in return-soft contracts and subsidies, perhaps, or standards conveniently set in their interest.
If the DB2CODEPAGE registry variable is set to an incorrect value, it may cause unpredictable results and potential data corruption.
如果DB 2 CODEPAGE注册表变量设置为不正确的值,那么可能会造成不可预期的结果和潜在的数据损失。
But on balance, when you make a decision - even if it is a hypothetical choice - you will value it more and expect it to bring you pleasure.
In this way, every time any property on the component under test changes value, it can be seen by the operator immediately.
Egg shell: Egg shell has little nutritional value. It is just a build up of a calcium compound.
If you want to use a smaller value, it must be specified when the table is created.
Moreover, even if you take the study’s claims at face value, it offers little reason to believe that dirtier air and water can solve our current employment crisis.
While such configuration provides questionable security value, it is included here for completeness.
Because listprice has a default value, it can be omitted from the CallableStatement.
If you use the logical | | operator, Perl will use the first true value it comes across, in order, from left to right.
如果使用逻辑| |操作符,Perl就会使用后面的第一个真值,顺序从左到右取值。
Contains (full-string, contains-string) returns a Boolean value; it checks to see if full-string contains contains-string.
contains (full - string, contains - string)返回一个boolean值,检查full - string是否包含contains - string。
Starts-with (full-string, start-string) returns a Boolean value; it checks to see if full-string starts with start-string.
starts -with (full - string, start -string)返回一个boolean值,检查full - string是否以start - string开始。
We must pursue simplicity ruthlessly - if an element adds complexity but not value, it must be changed
We must pursue simplicity ruthlessly - if an element adds complexity but not value, it must be changed