This is the first time that this example is using a relation as a declarative statement to define an expression (in other words, a value assignment) instead of using it for model-to-model mapping.
In many ways, for is the assignment of a variable to the current value in a node set, so you can operate on that variable.
A value that can be used as the right-hand, but not left-hand side of an assignment. An rvalue may be read but not written.
The transition of contemporary composition teaching can be viewed from the three dimensions of value orientation, content and assignment.
Social life is the source of art creation. Expressing emotion is not only the basic assignment of art creation, but also an important factor of weighing the work's value.
The theory of value formation and value assignment is an important part in the economic theories in each historical period.
In order that the value of load vector can forecast the load of the next time for tasks assignment, this system utilizes the disposed load information to construct load vector.
The assignment of the burden of proof is the core question of the burden of proof theory, it has very high theoretical and practical value.
The premises of market assignment are the prodution, service, labor and all product factors which are exchanged in market. The law of value is an objective law that dominates distribution of market.
The main calculation results are parameters of X, CV and CS for line fitting method and designed value XP of any assignment frequency.
When I return by value from an assignment operator, firstly what is the mechanism and basis of calling the copy constructor?
Expected value goal programming model, chance-constrained goal programming model and dependent-chance goal programming model of random assignment problem are constructed.
The paper expounds the non - uniformity characteristics of rock material. According to this characteristics, the random assignment method for value of the material parameters is put forward.
Expected value goal programming model, chance-constrained goal programming model and dependent-chance goal programming model of fuzzy assignment problem are constructed.
In essence, an R-Value is an expression that cannot appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.
To set the default property value, use the variable name, with an argument list, on the left side of an assignment statement.
Since long ago, Marx's value theory and his assignment theory have met stern challenge coming from discussion of the theory and the social practice.
The value of the property participates in the expression just as a variable or constant would, or it is stored in the variable or property on the left side of the assignment statement.
You store a value in a variable by putting the variable name on the left side of an assignment statement.
Almost anywhere you can put a value, you can put an arbitrary expression, with one exception: the left side of an assignment statement has to be a variable name.
Almost anywhere you can put a value, you can put an arbitrary expression, with one exception: the left side of an assignment statement has to be a variable name.