This value can be measured by comparing the "cost" of the input requirements to the system with the "value" of the functional outputs of the system.
Today an inside value chain system and an outside value chain system make up an integrated value chain system of an enterprise.
Yoshizaki concludes that the entire value system of Japanese youth is undergoing major transformation, but the younger generation has not yet found a new organized value system to replace the old.
In order for Asia to extricate itself from this existing value system, it needs to construct a new Asian cultural value system.
Coherence as the core of value system balances other values, and other values form the completing value system through coherence.
This completion and perfection of the system need the guidance of the value of the system, so studying the value of the appraisal right becomes the main content of this thesis.
Preemption of the lessee in the system, too much emphasis on a legal logic sink into a cycle of logic can not be a good tenant preemption system to achieve it's social value and legal value.
In this paper, I first procedural justice, entities justice and effective litigation perspective of the value of the bail system, proof of the value and significance of the bail system.
Beginning with social action value system, the au thor discussion study and grasping of social dominant action value system and its function in architecture scheme.
Chapter Five discusses the effects of the market regrouping on the value system, and the main behaving is the deep impact on the traditional news, society and culture value system.
This article discusses on the prescription system, mainly analyze the value conflict, the double value concern of it, and point out some personal viewpoint of the prescription system.
Under this stage, the old system of value can not regulate the social relation effectively, but the construction of the new system of value has not been finished.
System of water resource value is a "grey system", therefore grey system theory can assess water resource value.
Justice is primary value of the social system, just as the truth is primary value of an ideological system.
In order to facilitate and guarantee the value realization in information system implementation process, an active information system (IS) value realization model based on evaluation was put forward.
Relations among the five value elements compose value system of service product. This basic relationship in the value system mainly reflected at arrangement and relevance among five value elements.
This article introduces a concept of value function, which is a mapping from a commodity system, which has no comparability, to a comparable value system.
Just as the value of a telephone network increase with each new phone added to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.
The effective value is the result of the property system having evaluated all the possible inputs that participate in the property system value precedence.
The effective value is the result of the property system having evaluated all the possible inputs that participate in the property system value precedence.