The straight threads of the nut engage with the mating threads of the valve outlet and are tightened to compress the gasket between the two sealing surfaces.
When installing a pinch valve to a rubber, PVC, or any "slick" mating flange, we recommend that you install a metal serrated gasket between the two flanges to assist in the seal.
For example, in order to prevent secondary pollution, even the use of sewage is not Valve asbestos packing and gasket sealing.
Focus on the leak and block of the high pressure main stop valve, from the material of the gasket, the pressure of the bolt and the entire mechanical structure in Gujiao Xingneng Power Generation Co.
The two halves shall be sealed by diamond shaped cross section rubber gasket permanently locked by a groove in the valve body.
DO NOT TRIM any excess gasket material, it will seat itself after bolting the valve into the pipeline, thus providing a positive seal.
The paper summarizes the working process of outflow valve and heater gasket of second generation B737, analyses a routine malfunction and provides a train of analysis.
Forbid welding the flange after installing the valve. Both sides of the flange should be added the asbestos gasket.
Since propellant mainly leaks through aerosol valve, the material of the gasket used in aerosol valve is a very influential factor causing the leakage.
The valve is designed to fit into grooved end clamp type fittings and replaces the gasket normally used with these fittings.
The design defect was found on the fixed sealing gasket in the guide valve of the operating mechanism.
When using valve nozzle for easy drain, please insert nozzle into the sealing cap and screw the cap onto the discharge valve with gasket and tighten it.
This check valve is used in systems that utilize glass pipe and installs between connecting flanges where a gasket would normally be located.
This check valve is used in systems that utilize glass pipe and installs between connecting flanges where a gasket would normally be located.