To order handwheel or chainwheel actuators, add the appropriate order code to the basic valve order code.
Water discharge from the relief valve should be vented in accordance with code requirements.
To order give the complete valve and actuator identification by specifying the order code for each item as shown. An example is shown for your reference.
Vent the air gap and drain line from the relief valve in accordance with code requirements.
The generalized pulse code modulation (GPCM) control valve is a type of combination valve, and each flow control unit is connected together by mono-block.
The generalized pulse code module (GPCM) control valve is a type of combination valve, and each flow control unit is connected together by mono-block.
To order, simply complete the valve order code from information shown. An ordering example is shown for your reference.
To order mounted as part of a complete valve and actuator assembly, add code from table below to valve and actuator order code.
When ordering electronic motor actuators, specify valve order code, shutoff pressure, service conditions - flowing media and installation direction;
Flame Arrestor breather valve should be equipped on the top of tank for type A B liquid according to GB50160-92, "Fire prevention code of petrol chemical enterprise design".
When ordering please specify the product model, specifications, Output power and bracket matching code or valve bore with or without protection device.
After is a procedure valve key part of in a specific way realizes, include valve key procedure primaries of code.
After is a procedure valve key part of in a specific way realizes, include valve key procedure primaries of code.