Orthogonal design which is based on variance analysis model estimates unknown parameters using variance analysis.
Linear model is a vital class of statistical model which involves regression model, variance analysis model, covariance analysis model and mixed model etc.
By model experiment, the parameters of slit holder are optimized turning to variance analysis theory of mathematical statistics in order to guide engineering project.
With Vector Error Correction Model, impulse response analysis and variance decomposition, this paper analyzes the finance factors that cause the prompt rise of house price in China.
Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.
Objective To relax assumption of carryover effects in analysis of variance for cross-over designs and explore mixed effects model.
This paper presents a single factor heteroscedastic model, deduce a method of this heteroscedastic analysis, and presents the estimation of mean and variance in this model.
Method: Make use of mixed effects linear model and single effect analysis of variance to deal with the repeated measure data.
According to the principles of statistics and risk decision analysis approach, this paper presents a new variance analysis method and a matrix model for capital structure decision-making.
Linear models are especially important statistical models, including linear regression model, variance and analysis, covariance and analysis, and variance and component one etc.
In order to improve the robustness of this method, two-factor analysis of variance and additive model is proposed to reduce the impact of style information on face observed feature.
Finally, by using factor analysis, variance analysis and multiple regression analysis, this paper verifies the above conceptual model and research hypothesis.
By using variance analysis method, we give expert score corresponding weight, which makes the teaching evaluation model more scientific.
The simulation and analysis on algorithm of multisensor track-to-track fusion is based on cross-variance functions, and analysis of the stability to model is presented.
Compared with the mixed linear model analysis, the analysis of variance could result in higher type I or II statistical error rates.
In local chemical exploration, the variance analysis of three-stage-model must be applied to estimate analytical uncertainly and sample-collecting error.
A nested repeated measures model occurs in analysis of variance when a particular individual has the same number of subindividuals and each subindividual receives every pair of treatment levels.
We compare the spectral decomposition estimate by the analysis of variance estimate in the linear mixed model with two variance components.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the contribution of quadratic model was significant for the responses.
Through the computer simulation, a quantitative analysis is given about the influence that the modified model brings to the cell losing ratio, the cell average delay and the average delay variance.
In this paper, we construct firstly the interval estimates of variance components in the two-way model, depending on corresponding sums of squares from the analysis of variance.
In this paper, we construct firstly the interval estimates of variance components in the two-way model, depending on corresponding sums of squares from the analysis of variance.