Big data is high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization.
We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms.
As the result, application development can reduce time, cost and skill demands, and the portal users can access the wide variety of information effortlessly.
The only benefit of your undergraduate degree is that it was fairly general so you managed to get a nice array of information for a variety of topics.
BUT now, of course, none of the old restrictions apply. The information is available from a variety of sources, and now free.
This is precisely what data warehousing applications do offering the possibility to aggregate information along a variety of axis and to invert relationships in the data.
That's gotten easier as the team has learned how to import information from a large variety of knowledge domains and sub-specialties.
Reflection gives you run-time access to a variety of class information.
Outside of social networking, the Internet is used primarily as a source of information for a variety of topics.
The information they worked with came from a variety of sources.
It operates in seven U.S. cities in a variety of fields, including finance, marketing and information technology.
The Omega component provides the tools to translate and parse information from a variety of formats into the raw text required by Xapian so it can be indexed.
I'll also share lots of technical information on a variety of topics, including the best 2.4 kernels to use with ReiserFS, performance considerations, and more.
OData applies web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to information from a variety of applications, services, and stores.
What I'm doing here is simply gathering a wide variety of opinions and information that may or may not help me choose.
You have also seen a variety of ways to get the information back out of the index again, both at the command line and through different language extensions.
This way, you can store a huge variety of information into the cache using different prefixes to identify the information.
This series explores a variety of elements that create a successful information architecture design.
For a variety of reasons, the unintended release of this information to the wrong individuals-whether within or without the organization-could be very damaging.
Pulling together information from a variety of sources also carries with it security concerns, including access control.
As your programs get more complicated, you will begin to work with large collections of information structured in a variety of ways.
The base topic and map types are general and flexible so they can accommodate a wide variety of readable information.
Instead, we tend to pick and choose among a wide variety of information sources that support what we already believe.
The variety of information sources makes compiling statistics a difficult task.
Buyers now have easy access to sales information, yet sellers can regain leverage in a variety of ways.
Authoring business documents often begins with pulling in information from a variety of sources.
When the contents of the files are regularly changing, or you are regularly reading a wide variety of files, caching the file information may not achieve any performance benefits.
It provides a generalized memory store that can hold anything, including native-language objects, enabling you to store a variety of information and access it from many applications and environments.
This can also contain a variety of other personal information, including origin, hobbies, and so on.
This can also contain a variety of other personal information, including origin, hobbies, and so on.