The contribution and efforts of various artists will enhance its citizens' national pride.
Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author's pages.
Artists reacted to photography in various ways.
The art was donated by the artists and various art galleries - art lovers can bid for them online until Friday morning.
All artists displayed their special skills -bodies decorated with various materials and using various techniques.
Following are a few examples of Mona appearing in various works of graffiti artists.
To me Dolls of other artists exist only as research material for market tendencies, technique studies and various other observations. They are learning tools.
My daughters, with their own distinct personalities, are various parts girly-girls, tomboy athletes, bookworms, budding artists, and compassionate citizens of the world.
Included in the carefully selected exhibits are a sizable number of fine works of famous artists and authors from various periods of history dating as far back as 6,000 years ago.
YouTube has contracts with various recording companies, and artists are paid royalties based on the number of times their song is played.
While art may be quite subjective, anyone who wishes to develop artistic skill needs to study the technique of master artists and learn to appreciate various art styles.
There will be various folk performances, and local artists also demonstrate and sell their paintings and calligraphy works in the fairs.
At the same time the collection serves the visitors' need for a site where various information on art, artists and history can be found together with corresponding pictorial illustrations.
Artists rely on different art idea to quest for various possibilities, and pluralistic pattern in which realistic, expressing, abstract etc. styles can appear in this field.
Artists are also not living an easy life. As the boom of modern arts, they are tortured by various reasons, excuses, theories, and so on, just like mutton roasted on fire.
In this basis, Various modernist artists appear again using different painting attitudes to understand the new levels of this world.
Opening the Chinese art history in the 1980s, Guo seemed outdated in terms of the various styles and features at that time Asian Artists , Vol .
It is noteworthy that the use of various factors on the social level to construct the artists 'personality will unwillingly have an impact for this personal statement.
To better express their design intent, more and more photographers and artists began to explore various dimensions of the picture performance style.
Fashion art dates from 1960s when various avantgarde arts were springing up. The artists organized an exhibition and stipulated that the art works could be put on body.
The melting pot of the city has merged the talent of artists with their various origins.
When he returned to China in 2010, he started to work with artists from various areas instead of becoming a typical professional dancer of a company.
Chinese artists living in the United States and China were invited to submit various styles and techniques in a variety of medium.
More and more costume creators now are keen on inviting various kinds of artists to join in the process of apparel design.
We have seen the rise of various trends and the emergence of numerous artists.
Artists, representing different traditional accumulations, knowledge and cultures, have created works with various styles and special characters.
Writers and artists should study society, that is to say, should study the various classes in society, their mutual relations and respective conditions, their physiognomy and their psychology.
Writers and artists should study society, that is to say, should study the various classes in society, their mutual relations and respective conditions, their physiognomy and their psychology.