It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants.
The first vascular plants took advantage of the abundant water, and put down roots.
My botanical interest is largely confined to the reproductive processes in vascular plants.
Primary vascular tissue, which is found in all vascular plants, is formed from the procambium.
Polar vascular plants have attracted attentions due to the special environment where they grow.
The cuticles of most vascular plants are covered with a thin layer of largely hydrophobic constituents.
There are more than 2000 kinds of vascular plants, taking up over 50% of the total in Zhejiang Province;
Tapetum (pl. tapeta) A food-rich layer surrounding the spore mother cells in the anthers of vascular plants.
Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.
Any of various mostly small vascular plants of the genus Lycopodium, often resembling mosses and reproducing by spores.
The supporting and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels; woody tissue.
By analyzing the community of vascular plants in Chaocha Nature Reserve, we studied the composition and vegetation types of this area.
In light to the degradation of coastal wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay, some countermeasures were put forward to protect the vascular plants.
According to the statistics, in the record of Songshan, there are 713 kinds of wild vascular plants and 216 kinds of wild vertebrates.
As the main ground cover of many ecosystems, bryophytes play an important role in the process of vascular plants' natural regeneration.
The viewpoints from several fields of science indicated that the vascular plants were most probably migrated to Antarctica through bird aid.
The investigation (1982-1984) revealed that, in Zunhua county, there are 531 kinds of vascular plants which belong to 112 families and 340 genera.
The floristic features and geographical distribution of aquatic vascular plants were summarized in Zhejiang Province based on 15 - year investigations.
Vascular plants produce an entire series of different small signalling molecules, so-called phytohormones, which regulate growth and differentiation processes.
Pneumatophore aerophore; breathing root a specialized negatively geotropic root produced by certain aquatic vascular plants especially trees such as mangroves, e. g.
Bryophytes comprise is a big family of plant species. Because of their limited competition, bryophytes usually grow in hard habitats, where no vascular plants can live.
Pneumatophore ( aerophore ; breathing root ) a specialized neg atively geotropic root produced by certain aquatic vascular plants ( especially trees such as man groves, e. g.
呼吸根:指由某种水生维管植物产生的特化的负向地性根(尤其如红树,如海桑属) ,在土壤之上生长良好。
As one of the zonal vegetation types of the mid-subtropical region of China, its floristic composition consists of 140 species of vascular plants of 100 genera in 58 families.
There are some different viewpoints on the development process of soil crusts, the relationship between biological soil crusts and the colonization and propagation of vascular plants.
In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium.
The results showed that the taproots of transplanted P. ginseng plants consist of periderm and secondary vascular tissue.
Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants.
分布于欧洲和加拿大东部的古生代简单的二岐 式植物,包含最古老的脉管陆地植物。
Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants.
分布于欧洲和加拿大东部的古生代简单的二岐 式植物,包含最古老的脉管陆地植物。