Regards is ten lions, relies on the vector potential, causes is ten.
General expressions of the magnetic vector potential for multipole fields are derived.
Electrostatic and magnetic vector potential. Properties of dielectrics and magnetic materials.
This indicates that there is more profound physical meaning of the gradient vector potential of electromagnetic field.
The distribution of magnetic flux of track eddy current braking device is calculated by using vector potential method.
To improve the efficiency of eddy field calculation with magnetic vector potential, necessary simplification is applied.
The fast multipole method(FMM) is introduced to solve the magnetic vector potential in 3-D electromagnetoquasistatic field.
According to the principle of virtual-work, the formula of electromagnetic force based on magnetic vector potential is deduced.
Image features are represented using the theory of electromagnetics. Corners are detected in the vector potential of the field.
In this paper the transmission of paraxial light beams was analyzed based on the gradient vector potential of electromagnetic field.
Magnetic vector potential is regarded as variables to gain solution of excitation magnetic field and armature response magnetic field.
It also shows that two four vector potential can be combined into one four vector potential in the region being free of magnetic charges.
Recently it was found that the nuclear symmetry energy can be directly associated with the mean level density and an iso-vector potential.
When the vector potential function and the differential of the scalar potential function are computed, singular points would occur on TPM.
A part of results on magnetic vector potential of circular loop are expanded, so the integral function is transformed to integrable series.
Through the introduction of magnetic vector potential, the mathematical model of electromagnetic field and eddy current field was established.
The 3d finite element vector potential equations of non-linear anisotropic magnetostatic field have been derived in a pithy style by dyadic analysis.
The boundary value problem on the magnetic vector potential A is derived by introducing the magnetic vector potential A and using Maxwell's equations.
According to Mr Zhang's vector potential theory, SP doesn't generated or originated from dipole layers but curl sources in the borders of dipole layers.
The results prove that the physic characteristics of symmetrical static electric field can be described by the vector potential in static electric field.
The modified scalar potential is used to reduce the order of the coupled equations in the comparison with the vector potential under the same node number.
In this paper, the boundary value problem of the magnetic vector potential is derived by use of the character of the axisymmetrical electromagnetic field.
An analytical solution to the vector potential is presented in this paper, which is produced by arbitrary shape eddy-current probes above conducting slabs.
At very low frequencies, the contribution from the vector potential to the impedance matrix is much smaller than the contribution from the scalar potential.
Then, the vector potential and vorticity equations and the method of the false transient are applied to compute the three-dimensional viscous natural convection.
When the double and array dipoles are put in the conductive media, the formula of radiation field of them have been derived from vector potential equation of single dipole.
If using the scalar potential instead of the vector potential to analyze the current-carrying regions in a 3d magnetostatic field, the computing time can be greatly reduced.
The magnetic induction intensity distribution B is obtained by solving its magnetic vector potential A distribution of current-carrying circular circuit in anisotropic medium.
In this paper, the calculating formulas of magnetic field for long current carrying conductor with any form of cross-section are deduced with the help of magnetic vector potential.
In this paper, a general method of three dimensional vector potential solution for nonlinear magnetostatic field problem by means of the finite tetrahedral element method is presented.