He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.
And veiled the scar with grass and moss once more.
"Everyone wants to be veiled up, secret and in the dark," he says.
“Everyone wants to be veiled up, secret and in the dark, ” he says.
Veiled by cosmic dust, the Milky Way arches over Haleakala Crater on Maui.
Yet this is more a veiled threat than an idea, and so doesn't really count.
A brightly veiled woman visits the Karni Mata temple in Bikaner, Rajasthan.
The missionaries were irritated by the constant veiled criticism of their work.
In villages in Haryana, grandmothers sit veiled and silent while men are present.
It reportedly contained thinly veiled references to Malone and members of her family.
As I passed across the court two veiled women looked down from a balcony and cursed me.
His inauguration speech was a veiled warning not to take his campaign hype at face value.
In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.
The mountain veiled in mist is not a hill; an oak tree in the rain is not a weeping willow.
Then he added a half-veiled criticism: "We want to see the best of him in some more games".
They veiled their faces, unbound their garments, and, picking up stones, cast them behind them.
They never went outside the compound except by car, accompanied by their husbands and fully veiled.
She worries about her neighbourhood, a vibrant area full of Vietnamese shops and veiled women waiting at bus stops.
No one knew whether she had deliberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face.
Mutterings that thinly veiled protectionism would see most of the contracts go to domestic players may not be wholly justified.
The wicker woman was seated on the horse, shrouded in a cloak, veiled like a bride. From under the cloak, white flowers fell.
The oracle answered, "Depart from the temple with head veiled and garments unbound, and cast behind you the bones of your mother.
Inside, a heavyset older woman, head partly veiled, sat behind a wooden counter on top of which rested a row of variously sized glass bottles.
"You would rather have us stay at home and wash your socks," riposted Nihal Bengisu Karaca, a (veiled) columnist at the forefront of the campaign.
The veiled beauty of this retired little inner garden had a wonderful charm for me, so different from the broad expanse of the river-bank in front.
And in another thinly veiled swipe at Cameron, Brown said: "Some people have been asking why I haven't served my children up for spreads in the papers."
And in another thinly veiled swipe at Cameron, Brown said: "Some people have been asking why I haven't served my children up for spreads in the papers."