They are opened by velocity pressure, and closed by gravity.
They are opened and sustained in the open position by the force of velocity pressure, and closed by the force of gravity.
The diffuser of mine main fan is a device to use reducing velocity pressure of outlet, increase static pressure and recovery kinetic energy.
This makes the business sales personnel have, rely on distributors, rely on large family gave up return velocity pressure goods performance.
The disc and associated moving parts may be in a constant state of movement if the velocity pressure is not sufficient to hold the valve in a wide open and stable position.
The change can be instigated by an external control or it can be automatic, for instance in response to variations in heat, pressure or velocity.
Well, let's first ask the question, when is the viscous term and the pressure term the same for what velocity?
The model includes solid velocity, space grade of saturation with vapour density and space grade of porous pressure in concrete multiphase system.
The result of simulation indicated that higher printing velocity and printing pressure would improve the performance of solder paste printing if other factors were not considered.
Objective To explore the influence of perfusion pressure, blood concentration and blood flow velocity on myocardial ultrasonic backscatter integration.
Meanwhile, the influences of pipeline internal pressure, wall thickness, crack arrest length and initial crack velocity on the crack driving force (crack propagation) are further studied.
Nitrogen gas with different displacing velocity and pressure was used to displace the core in testing, the permeability damage and correlation analysis caused by velocity sensitivity were obtained.
Industrial flow servovalve combined with an accumulator has been used in controlling the cylinder pressure to ensure system stability, velocity, and accuracy.
The SPRD is used on zone systems when the automatic closing of various zone dampers can create an excessive increase in air pressure and velocity throughout the duct system.
The results of arc pressure field, fluid velocity field, and electric potentials are identical with the results in literature.
Predictions have been made and compared with experimental data pertaining to the centerline velocity decay and wall static-state pressure variation.
The main factors are materiel viscidity, pressure of spraying gas, materiel velocity of flow.
Effects of the specific pressure on nucleation rate and linear growth velocity were expounded in squeeze casting.
Through solving the blood flow equations for local vessel expansion region, the analytical expressions of blood flow velocity, pressure and wall shear stress were then obtained.
To prevent clogging of the pressure tap by fine solids gas is bled into the bed at low velocity at the taps .
The main parameters of viscosity, spinning temperature, pressure and winding velocity for coal tar pitch fluid should be rigidly controlled during spinning.
The model can simulate the velocity and pressure distribution of molecular in the pumping channel.
PVT represents pressure, velocity and time. Don't calculate single factor in choosing material of bearings.
Based on the energy equation of hydrodynamics, the distribution of velocity and pressure in the classifier was analyzed.
The three dimension flow field in the triple-screw extruder with triangle configuration is the research objects, including velocity field, pressure field and shear rate field etc.
Softwares ANSYS and MATLAB were employed to analyze and simulate the velocity, pressure and shear stress distribution in sheet extruder dies based on the three-dimensional FEM.
A integration collection system of hydraulic engineering system is developed in order to check on line the parameters such as velocity, pressure, flow-detecting and so on in hydraulic facilities.
The tube inlet throttle has great influence on the time space distributions of the gas velocity and pressure.
The dynamic vibration of hydraulic system is characteristic of instantaneous velocity, pressure and its oscillation.
The dynamic vibration of hydraulic system is characteristic of instantaneous velocity, pressure and its oscillation.