Note: If the mercury was vacuumed, exposed to heat or entered the ventilation system, refer to Large Spill Guidance.
We did consider a heat recovery ventilation system, a box and pipes that bring in fresh air.
Installing a positive pressurization or ventilation system.
Nancy Clark, assistant commissioner for environmental disease prevention at the New York City Health Department, said one suspect, a new ventilation system at the school, did not appear to be a cause.
One Sunday night in fall 2007, the ventilation system in the kitchen stopped working, causing the room to overheat and the kitchen sprinklers to go off.
The welding of electronics parts also produces toxic gases, but management refuses to turn on the ventilation system, except when safety inspectors are present.
For example, the new Prius, launching this year, has an option for a solar-powered ventilation system designed to keep the interior cool when parked.
Don't rely on an air conditioner, ventilation system or an open window to clear the air.
Ventilation system by sending the exhaust fan, duct, duct parts, muffler etc.
In order to identify the bacteria in a blood sample or in a building's ventilation system, researchers or clinicians usually must start by coaxing it to grow in culture in the lab.
The louvers are part of a passive ventilation system that not only cools the house, but also pulls the scent of the aromatic garden through every room.
The research of these distribution methods could provide a new way of thinking for optimized reliability design of the mine ventilation system.
The system works by changing excess body heat caught in the station's ventilation system into hot water, which is then pumped into the heating system of the opposite building.
The object was implemented in a low energy construction method with controlled ventilation (displacement ventilation in the classrooms) including the design for a natural secondary ventilation system.
Investigators say gas accumulated during a power outage that shut down the mine's ventilation system.
Compared with tradition ventilation mode, the paper expounds the tremendous practicality and advantage of inducement ventilation system.
Decades of rot beneath the floorboard combined with a broken ventilation system. The previous owners never put any money into this place.
Thermal energy is distributed through the whole house by what is known as a controlled ventilation system.
The wind - cowl ventilation system is an illustration of the application of energy - grading.
The paper analyzes the characteristics of ventilation system of the old mines and the affects on production and introduces some methods of improving the ventilation system of the old mines.
The main fuel tank must have all the following: a filler tube, a ventilation system, fuel pickup tube and filter, plus a gauge-sending unit.
The design of metro vehicle ventilation system is very crucial for the environment inside the vehicles.
Applications: Main chemical filters for most commercial&industrial ventilation system, with high performance, easy maintenance and raplacement. Microelectronics. Museum, etc.
主要应用:商用及工业用通风空调系统的主流化学过滤器,性能卓越,安装维护方便快捷。 电子工厂博物馆。
Police say a power cut is compromising the ventilation system in the Pike River Coal Pit in a remote part of the country's South Island.
To these is the premise of the subway to have good air conditioning and ventilation system.
To these is the premise of the subway to have good air conditioning and ventilation system.