The ventral tegmental area is another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfacto…
The ventral tegmental area is another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb.
We found activity in a tiny little factory near the base of the brain called the 7 ventral tegmental area.
At caudal hypo-thalamus level, it runs in ventral tegmental area and a region between medial lemniscus and cerebral peduncle.
These labeled cells located ventral to the nucleus tuber and presented throughout the whole extent of the ventral tegmental area.
The ventral tegmental area is a clump of cells that make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and sends it out to many brain regions [when one is in love].
ROMANCE (right): In newly-in-love couples, romantic feelings light up the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain (not shown) — also activated by cocaine and chocolate.
The projection of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the olfactory tubercle(OT) was studied with in 20 rats with retrograde axonal transport of hoseradish peroxidase(HRP).
When we're craving things like food, water, or drugs, or anticipating getting them, two areas deep within the brain, the ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus, are active.
Changes in synaptic plasticity in dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) may contribute to circuit modification induced by many drugs of abuse, including cocaine.
There were differences -- long-term romantic love lit up many more brain regions than early-stage love -- but both groups showed significant activity in the dopamine-rich ventral tegmental area.
There were differences -- long-term romantic love lit up many more brain regions than early-stage love -- but both groups showed significant activity in the dopamine-rich ventral tegmental area.