The walls and floors of the building, called panels, are cast in a horizontal or vertical position.
Vertical position of the pointer.
Does the vertical position of bands mean anything?
Device can be used both in the vertical position and in the horizontal.
The vertical position can then be used to signify other aspects of the information.
This means that the vertical position of the model can also be set at the same time.
When the lever is raised to the vertical position it pushes a removable "Push Rod" down.
AD402 automatic drainage Note: When used, you must install a vertical position, and so drain down.
AD 402自动排水器注意事项:使用时,必须垂直位置安装,且使排水口朝下。
NOTE: Twin Disc Check Valves can be installed horizontally or in the vertical position with flow up.
Fixes the AF point display for the viewfinder electronic level when shooting in the vertical position.
In diaphragm installed and put back leakage from the vertical position of holes, the installation of pump head.
Besides this, it is so designed as to be used in a vertical position to carry out center work with a tailstock.
This is in vertical position. 149.9 But I would think that the uncertainty of my measurement is probably 1 millimeter.
Mixing Angle is adjustable with horizontal position for small-amplitude mixing and vertical position for fully mixing.
The swing check valve can also be mounted to the vertical position, provided the disc should not reach the valve position.
Vertical position in the job makes all the boards in order to stand, support and alignment, and better prepare for installation.
Mount the coil in a vertical position, on a hollow wood base so that a core can be moved up and down through the hole in the spool.
Positioning. The browser determines a floated element's vertical position from the element's location in the "normal flow" of the document.
定位:浏览器决定了被浮动元素相对于该元素在文档的 “正常排列” 中的位置的垂直位置。
The FV-4M1 should be mounted only in a vertical position as its operation is based on the vertical movement of the float (see Fig. 3).
Electromagnetic stylus force adjustment mechanism to ensure stylus force is constant irrespective of the vertical position of the stylus.
Select a location near the center of the water piping system. It must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
Select ta location near the center of the water piping system. It must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
The stabilizer effect of passive anti-rolling tank mostly depends on how to choose arrangement of vertical position, water level and damping factor.
If two frame components are fitted together, the lower component shall not become detached when subjected to twice its own weight in a vertical position.
General installation Information: Utility Swing check valves are designed for horizontal installations, but may be installed in up-flow only vertical position.
Select a location near the fixture that this water heater will supply. The water heater must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
Select a location near the fixture that this water heater will supply. The water heater must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.