Twitter users are very familiar with the iconic image of the Fail Whale.
First and foremost, you'll need to pick a place that you're very familiar with.
We are very familiar with the percussion, such as drums, gongs, xylophones and so on.
However, this is not the kind of people are very familiar with the smell of baked potato.
He was concerned that it could be about a complex topic that he wasn't very familiar with.
Yi Jeong secretly follows Eun Jae and discovers that he is very familiar with her boyfriend.
It seems that he is very familiar with this street, street may be his eyes can only see a light.
Google has a presence in many countries, so localization is a problem they should be very familiar with.
Caveat: Don't try this at home if you're not very familiar with whatever encryption product you're using.
I think most of our readers are not very familiar with you, so would you please tell us your story here?
Readers should be very familiar with XML and reasonably familiar with the various XML processing technologies.
For instance, a biostatics assignment might need someone who is very familiar with clinical study analyses.
But once they get together, they are always very familiar with each other, and they just cannot stop talking.
Suppose the programmer needs to use a statement he is not very familiar with, like the new XPARSE COBOL statement.
假定程序员需要使用他不熟悉的语句,例如新的 XPARSECOBOL 语句。
If you've signed up for any sort of online service there is a high likelihood you're very familiar with CAPTCHA.
To people in Palestine, sheep is what they are very familiar with, and shepherding is a profession they know well.
You should be very familiar with JSP development and have a good understanding of XDIME in order to customize the JSPs.
For this reason, conversely, when you are very familiar with the String you are typing, it makes sense to increase these attributes.
"Andre will bring his coaching experience back to a club he is already very familiar with, having previously worked here for three years."
While most of the world is very familiar with Bill Gates, the name Carlos Slim helu rarely rings a bell. But it's a name worth knowing.
As an AIX administrator, you should already be very familiar with many command-line tools, which will be helpful when making the transition.
This will only "work" if it's a film you love and are very familiar with. It might just be enough to help your mind clear of racing thoughts.
I had seen her reality TV show, real Housewives of New York City, a few times, but not enough to be very familiar with her personality or life.
I had seen her reality TV show, real Housewives of New York City, a few times, but not enough to be very familiar with her personality or life.