This allows Jaxer to provide very good performance, comparable to PHP.
I must say, every time he has played he has turned in a very good performance.
Many numerical tests show that the fast approximation algorithm has very good performance.
In school i get along well with my classmates and my teacthers, and i'm also very good performance at home.
Experiments have shown that hybrid level set model has very good performance in the segmentation of eye socket.
DB2 has sophisticated resource-management logic, which standardly produces very good performance without elaborate design.
DB 2具有一种非常成熟的资源管理逻辑,往往不用进行精心的设计就能产生非常好的性能。
Cake can choose the style is limited, and sometimes not very good performance of the theme of the wedding and new ideas.
The players put in a very good performance, especially in the second-half when we showed great commitment and work-rate.
While this method allows some unguarded stray elements to remain, it provides very good performance at an acceptable cost.
Besides guaranteeing the integrity of all that data, file systems are also expected to be extremely reliable and have very good performance.
Especially, this system has very good performance of vehicle positioning and heading control. The predetermined research goal has been achieved.
Beijing public and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. Heng Hao staff in all efforts for many years to create a very good performance, sales across the north and North-East.
Through the theoretical analysis and the simulation research, this algorithm obtains the very good performance improvement with low computation load and has some practical engineering value.
Question: should say you are the current championship in one of the biggest bright spot in the finals, you also have a very good performance, evaluation of your entire championship performance.
GDB is a very good performance source-level debugger, it can achieve all the functions of the normal debugger almost, therefore, it is essential in GNU tool chain, GDB has very good performance.
Messaging software can be a solution, but if performance is a concern, and you're not worried about the level of transaction and security, messaging software really is not a very good option.
Since EGL is a language based on frameworks and high-level specifications, it makes the language very productive with very good runtime performance.
The ability to find regions of free space quickly is critical for maximizing write performance, which is something that XFS is very good at.
Hibernate is very good tool when it comes to object relational mapping, but in terms of connection management and transaction management, it is lacking in performance and capabilities.
A typical characteristic of cache workload is that retrievals are much more common than updates, so (ideally) a cache would offer very good get performance.
You will take a raw performance hit over something like MySQL, but you get the benefit of very good scaling characteristics as your transactional throughput grows.
If you have very frequent data modification operations and less queries, you should focus on good write performance.
In combination with an electric motor and lightweight construction, this would allow good road performance with very low consumption.
When Wizards coach Flip Saunders was asked about Wall’s performance, he said, “We got beat by 29 so he didn’t do very good.”
Gasol doing good tonight, of course, Lamar Odom's performance is also good, you can see this, and they gave me a very big help.
Academic performance is not very good, but I learn in the process of harvesting a lot.
Now the team is in a very good condition and the girls will continue their good performance and become better.
My academic performance is not very good, but I have learned a lot in the process of learning.
My academic performance is not very good, but I have learned a lot in the process of learning.