We've had very heavy rain here which has come on top of the meltwater from all the recent snow and ice.
If these conditions last long enough, then a hurricane can start to form, producing violent winds, incredible waves, very heavy rain and floods.
Next morning, very heavy rain, the next class to stay in the classroom can only see "Water Margin", in June of the Shantou special wet, why should this time of military training it?
There was a lot of heavy rain during the first week and we got very wet!
The weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain.
That comes before the world was a heavy rain, the weather is very cold, and still has a lot of dirty water, the earth hand touching the dirty water, immediately become a cold fish.
I have never seen so much changing in weather and so heavy rain before I moved to China, in Norway we also have rain, but very seldom so hard as here.
In my class, children just like the little drops of water after a heavy rain, sometimes active, sometimes naughty, but they are all very cute!
Over the snow peaks clouds were forming, heavy and dark; probably it would rain later on but now the shadows were very sharp with the sun bright and clear.
They were working very hard in the heavy rain wearing waterproof clothing.
Although today heavy rain, but the mood is very actually good, because is the children's day, although have grown up, but exits in the children's day to play the feeling is very good.
As the rain is generally very heavy in this place, many gullies have been made in the road.
Like average amphibians, with its naked skin of no protection by leather and fur, the tree frog is very sensitive to environment pollution by heavy metal, chemicals and acid rain.
When I was still a kid, I caught a very bad cold on a rainy night. My parents rushed me to the hospital in the heavy rain, while I was sleeping safely in their arms;
Yesterday, under a heavy rain, will not shoot children unearthed a washed again, children who seem to shoot very painful, can be tomorrow, they still show his own;
Yesterday, under a heavy rain, will not shoot children unearthed a washed again, children who seem to shoot very painful, can be tomorrow, they still show his own;