Some of my friends are very good, so a person's time to think about ta, are very important people, in fact, so good.
The more acquaintance and leaders and very important people operation on, the more questions correlated with operation.
I was told they were very important people and they wanted to reserve a special section of the restaurant on Friday night, our busiest day.
Zhang Weiguo, who you know was in SUFE and is now in IASB, he arranged meetings for us to meet people in China, some very important people, so we got some interviews with them as well.
同样还有张为国博士,你知道他曾经在SUFE工作,现在在国际会计准则理事会(IASB)任职。 在他的安排下,我们认识了一些人,一些非常重要的人,因此我们也对他们进行了采访。
Having a sense of humour is very important because it can help ease the tension between people.
She thinks it is very important to protect people s privacy.
He tried to teach people that peace was very important for a healthy society.
As a translator, understanding the true meaning that people want to express is very important.
Most people don't regard pronunciation as a very important part of communication skills.
"It's very important that people realise, in villages in Africa and everywhere, that when you have knowledge of food it is a treasure for your community, and something worth cherishing," he said.
“It's very important that people realise, in villages in Africa and everywhere, that when you have knowledge of food it is a treasure for your community, and something worth cherishing,” he said.
That is all very important to me because it is the reason why I do what I do: I like giving people a little bit of joy and I enjoy myself in the process.
Eating healthy is very important but some people will think that if they eat the foods they enjoy like chocolate cake and burgers they won't be able to lose weight.
Nim had these intense relationships with people, which became very important episodes in their lives.
These indexes could ignore things that are important to most people -- like good universal health care and quality of public transport links -- given how little the very wealthy use these services.
Very few people would accept Bradshaw's premise uncritically, so it's important that we explore the nature of the relationship between humans and elephants.
It is very important to exchange information about the cases of people smuggling and activities of snake-heads, including the route taken by smugglers and smuggling network, etc.
Ms Wokhwale prospered because being able to make and receive phone calls is so important to people that even the very poor are prepared to pay for it.
And you can reduce also the side effects, which is very important because we know that the death rate is mainly higher when people are not put early on treatment.
Touch--intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness, connection and love; it is your way of keeping the spark alive.
That snapshot has a revision number; the revision number is very important to SVN and the people who use it.
So I think that within the context of a firm policy toward Iran, something that reaches out to the Iranian people is very important, and you rightly say that eyes on the ground is also very valuable.
There is a very important choice made on average of about 100 people or 110. That's the add of 3rd layer.
Also, we feel it is very important to consider the personality balance within the team since, as mentioned earlier, some people find it an uncomfortable environment in which to work.
Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people, I must disagree with this statement.
Obviously it does not have the weather, but it has the draw for young people and certainly the financial sophistication; plenty of smart people and the sense of globalization are very important.
It is very important that white people, black people and indigenous peoples fight together to save the life of the forest and the earth.
But it's important to keep this new finding in perspective, as for most people the risk is still very low.
But it's important to keep this new finding in perspective, as for most people the risk is still very low.