Very much the same in the south except that the rain is starting to push down into the northern parts of the Mediterranean there.
Members of the same family may look very different from or very much the same as each other.
Delhi today is boomingly different fromthe city Ehrlich visited, and it is also very much the same.
She was a lovely calico and white…verydifferent from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
She was a lovely calico and white... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
She was a lovely calico and white... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
She was a lovely 6 calico and white... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
She was a lovely 6 calico and white... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
They're very much the same body part, only with a size difference and a few other minor details missing and added.
They look very much the same. I encourage you to compare your notes for the two side by side to see where they differ.
The XPath model treats attributes in very much the same way as child elements, which greatly simplifies the XPath language.
XPath模型对待属性与对待子元素完全一样,这大大简化了 XPath 语言。
Zhuang was distributed to many parts of the southwest, language is very much the same language root words change very little.
The method of hair removal for men and women very much the same men's hair is longer and more coarse only, Female hair removal is to beauty.
The CNC production equipments and processes, as well as the quality management in China will be very much the same as in Germany and in USA.
Once the source code is downloaded using Mass Downloader, developers can configure VS 2005 to use the source code in very much the same fashion.
一旦通过. NETMass Downloader完成源码的下载,开发者们就可以通过配置VS 2005,以非常类似的方法在VS 2005中使用这些源码。
The English pronunciation varies mainly in the sound of vowels, while the consonants are pronounced in very much the same way wherever English is spoken.
From Austria, Switzerland, Germany, so that the Nordic countries, coffee habits and tastes very much the same can be said, is the concentration of flavor.
One day, not long after, there was a new Cat on his lap. She was a lovely 6 calico and white... very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.
Although big Chinese New year, all around the custom of very much the same, but the difference in fine point, facilities or some, we'll see, southern rural years how lead.
"Well," the trainer said, "when they were very young and much smaller, we used the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it was enough to hold them."
Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.
I guess it's no big surprise that people from very different cultures and very different places often scare and enchant themselves in much the same way.
Sticking with last year's rectangular design, the 4S looks very much like the iPhone 4 and sports the same stainless steel bezels around its perimeter.
In other words, one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing.
However, the same Germans have a very hard time granting much smaller amounts to Greece and other EU nations that are in trouble.
That is partly because it does some things very well, in much the same way that some Scandinavian countries excel in certain fields.
This map won't be very big, but we can use the same principles to create much larger maps, of varying detail.
That's a very small change, but you can apply the same technique to much more complicated cases.
That's a very small change, but you can apply the same technique to much more complicated cases.