The great powers will never allow this little England to exercise a veto right against their wishes.
Nobody now would give France or Britain a permanent veto, but neither wants to give up that right.
Uniquely among leading newspapers, its journalists control it, and have the right to veto the choice not only of editor but also of the company's chief executive.
For boldness, the palm goes to John Redwood, a former cabinet minister. He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.
However, the upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat has a limited right of veto (the Nationalrat can pass the respective bill a second time bypassing the Bundesrat altogether).
They will have the right to veto a decision if they judge it not to be in the interests of all shareholders.
Mr Lagardère has the right to veto any such move and recently said that switching to a standard corporate structure was out of the question.
He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.
Gustav: in general, everyone of us can express their opinion and each has right to veto, if one categorically do not like someone's decision.
There are milder options, including the so-called "double majority" proposal favoured by this newspaper, which would give English MPs a right to rewrite or veto draft legislation on English issues.
There are milder options, including the so-called "double majority" proposal favoured by this newspaper, which would give English MPs a right to rewrite or veto draft legislation on English issues.