The modal testing of vibration isolation system of the micro-manufacturing platform is made.
The design variables include the excitation frequency and the stiffness of vibration isolation system.
A 2-DOF machine tool theoretic model is established for semi-active vibration isolation system optimization.
Objective To test the vibration isolation effect of air spring used in vehicle-stretcher vibration isolation system.
This laid a foundation for studying vibration isolation performance of maglev floating raft vibration isolation system.
According the simple active vibration isolation system model, using different control ways, designed a lot of control systems.
A novel control method based on BP network controller is presented for the nonlinearities in active vibration isolation system.
The transport coefficient of vibration isolation system was analyzed through MATLAB, and the various parameters were optimized.
The lower-middle frequency range power flow calculation method of the double-layer vibration isolation system on flexible base is established.
Floating raft vibration isolation system is a good approach of controlling vibration, and this system has been successfully used in navigation.
The maglev vibration isolator is the main components of maglev vibration isolation system, and its core technology is maglev supporting technology.
The shock response finite element model is established to simulate studying object which is a double-layer vibration isolation system of host machine in ship.
A new dynamic model for nonlinear hysteresis vibration isolation system is proposed, and the practical representation of dynamic model of the system is derived.
The vibration transmissibility of the vibration isolation system under complex vibration environment with the floor disturbance and the direct disturbance is defined and studied.
The metallic wire damper is a new type of vibration isolator, especially the wire vibration isolator is the most widely used in the electronic equipment's vibration isolation system.
Through feedback control analysis and simulation, it is proved that the mechanical model is appropriate and the scheme of active vibration isolation system is feasible and effective.
The dynamic models of a specific precise instrument in spacecraft are established and an active vibration isolation system based on piezoelectric intelligent structures is constructed.
The experiment has proved that the research of elastic properties of vibration isolation system of the crystal oscillator and measures taken to prevent the vibration are very effective.
The electromechanical integration system consists of piezoceramic material as the actuator and the disturbance source, a double-layered vibration isolation system as the controlled object.
This paper analyses the main effect of damping upon vibration isolation, presents an effective scheme to decrease the resonance of electronic equipment vibration isolation system in camion.
Based on the analysis of the structure and vibration of HCM-I Submicro CNC Ultra-precision Turning Machine, the mechanical model of active vibration isolation system is set up in the paper.
For the system of vibration isolation, firstly the expression of vibration isolation transmissibility is conducted, and the influence of parameters is analyzed according to its expression.
In this paper, smart base isolation system consisting of rubber bearing and MR damper is applied to structural vibration control.
Research shows that the application of dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) can significantly improve the low frequency isolation performance of floating raft system.
Finally, the periodic and chaotic motions of a nonlinear vibration-isolation system for on-board machinery are investigated.
By systematically analyzing the design theories of automotive powertrain mount systems, this article suggests a full theory for the design of vibration isolation in automotive powertrain mount system.
In this paper, damping isolation system and its vibration suppressed effectiveness analysis for offshore platform structures are studied.
In this paper, damping isolation system and its vibration suppressed effectiveness analysis for offshore platform structures are studied.