I'm Hongjianxin, the vice-manager of Sino-American Pharmaceutical Company Limited.
An acquaintance of mine is the vice President of human resources at a local company, and they are looking for a marketing manager.
"We're anchoring our models in Apollo data points," says Cleon Lacefield, a vice President and project manager for Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the Orion orbiter.
The request is approved or rejected by a vice president (for large request), a manager (for medium sized request), or by purchasing (for small requests).
The site's "sweet spot" will be manager, senior manager and vice president-level positions, and in two or three months, most of the jobs will be unique to the site, Jablow says.
Donna's colleague, Maryellen Valaitis, vice President of human resources, school education, emphasizes that selecting a job candidate is often the most critical decision a manager can make.
There is the ability to see which Queue manager has an associated Broker and vice versa.
The president and vice-president(s) (or the general manager and assistant general manager(s) in a factory) shall be chosen from the various parties to the equity joint venture.
"Flush once and forget it," James Walsh, vice President of American Standard and general manager of consumer fixtures, told Discovery News.
“一冲就忘,”美国标准的副总裁兼预定消费者总经理詹姆斯·沃尔什(James Walsh)接受探索新闻(Discovery News)采访时说。
Says Tom Corson, executive vice president and general manager of RCA Music Group, a rival to Gaga's label: "It's not just about great songs. In the best-case scenario, it's a full multimedia package."
美国广播唱片公司执行副总裁及总经理Tom Corson,也是Gaga所在唱片公司的死对手,说:“这不仅仅是关乎伟大的歌曲,效果最佳的表演总是充满了丰富多彩的多媒体的渲染。”
Xu, a former Tsinghua University professor who is now the vice general manager of Chinergy, the contractor building the reactors here.
But Denise Sabet, the vice general manager at Labbrand, suggests that the reasons include cultural differences and the Chinese reliance on characters for words, rather than a phonetic alphabet.
"These aren't online versions of the TV stations. These Web sites are local Internet portals," says Ron Berryman, senior vice-president and general manager of the TV stations group at FIM.
One graduate of the course was able to read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice President of the company in under a year.
Gong Picai, Vice General Manager of Wuhan Branch of China Eastern Airlines said "Flights from Wuhan to Guangzhou are mostly affected.
中国东方航空公司武汉分公司副总经理Gong Picai说:“武汉至广东的航线受到的影响最严重。
Dong Zhuo experience tells us: the branch vice-president, as in the corporation manager.
"This award demonstrates our long-running commitment to serving our Florida space Coast customers," said Sam Cole, vice President and general manager of aerospace solutions for BAE Systems.
Sept. 9 pm, with the Coal vice chairman, general manager, general manager Zhang Youxi security office hosted the meeting, arrangements for the next phase of safety work.
Assistant manager organize all jobs about VIP guests reception. Minister , the same line hotel general manager, VIP guests below the vice general manager must be recepted by front officer.
大堂经理组织所有VIP宾客的堂面接待工作。部长级、同行业酒店总经理、集团公司副总经理以上规格VIP 宾客,必须由前厅(副)经理组织接待。
Be the vice-leader of the "monthly management review"concerning safety and environment (leader of that steering committee is General Manager).
Read the daily memo of the vice court manager and the minute book of the manager generally on duty and make comments and instructions upon the problems found.
It is said that the ex-vice manager did not like her ways she does things, and proposed to GM for changing her position.
"We think, " says an exuberant Larry Gilbert Cyber Cash' s vice president and general manager, it's going to be the core of electronic commerce on the Internet.
Zhao Kaijun, vice manager of Changzhou Airport, said, "The malfunctions of the railway due to bad weather will influence some passengers."
I decided when I started as England manager who will be the captain and the vice-captain.
It is the production vice manager who in charge of the after-sale service. Managers of any other department are directly responsible for the after-sale service.
It is the production vice manager who in charge of the after-sale service. Managers of any other department are directly responsible for the after-sale service.