To sign up, please come to Room 216 in the morning to see the Vice Principal, ChenKun Chang.
The vice principal, Steve Gallagher, told the boy he needed to focus on the teacher, not his cellphone.
One of the guests asked him if he had been a student there at the same time as a particular vice principal.
If any teacher needs the equipment for your class, please contact the Vice Principal to make arrangements.
One of the guests asked him if he had been a student there at the same time as a particular vice principal.
For he built repeatedly expressed his boss hired rose, for the police young training school vice principal.
For he repeatedly constructs, expressed his boss hired liters for police young training school vice principal.
If your class hasn't booked the stage for rehearsal, please see the Vice Principal as soon as possible to schedule a time.
Daniel, current PTA Chair, also received many votes, and will be on the board, too, as the Vice Principal next school year.
Class size and the amount of such a conducive school management, general school has only one principal and a vice principal or assistant principal;
The school is now seeking candidates for several administrative positions, including Principal, Vice Principal, Secretary, Treasurer, and 4 board members.
为筹备下学年的开始, 本校目前在寻觅适当的人选来接替校长,副校长,秘书,财务,董事等多项职位。
Caitlin: I know, but Janet was showing me something in her locker when a fight broke out in the hallway. The vice principal, Mr. Lopez, finally came out and broke it up.
All class parents and teachers should have already started planning the programs for our New Year party. Please submit the name of your program to the Vice Principal, Woody Huang, this Saturday.
请各班老师及家长代表表开始筹划新年晚会的节目﹐ 并将节目名称于十二月二十日前向副校长黄允武报备。
Yellen, previously a Fed vice chair, was one of the principal architects of the Fed's $3.8 trillion money dump.
"They don't get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business," said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm.
The other is for the client principal to exist in the service user registry (and possibly vice versa).
Ted Schadler, a vice President and principal analyst with Forrester Research, said he expected that tens of millions of tablets would be in use in America's workplaces by 2015.
In a couple of years that high school principal will step down, and her job will be taken by the vice-principal.
Researcher, once worked as the Chief Engineer and Vice-principal of China Academy of Building Research.
This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival. First, let's welcome vice-principal Mr. Zhou to address the opening speech with warm applause.
This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival. First, let's welcome vice-principal Mr. Zhou to address the opening speech with warm applause.