When Yahoo! Launched its live video streaming service, Y!
今年早些时候雅虎推出的流媒体视频服务y !
Amazon — Added video streaming to its cloud-computing service.
Analysts believe the new data center could be used to underpin new music and video streaming services.
FGS video streaming is to code a video sequence into a base layer and multiple enhancement layers.
The new Apple TV just got a small upgrade, in the form of live video streaming for MLB and NBA games.
Therefore there has been talk of moving video streaming to P2P networks, to lessen the load on the Internet.
At last, in the fifth chapter, we designed and realized a real-time video streaming transmitting system.
Real-time live wireless video streaming from a mobile device to the LTE media frame would also be possible.
This is a good result for a film that was developed from a popular micro movie on video streaming platform Youku. com.
Want to connect an X-Box, a TiVo, or other Internet-enabled digital media device for smooth video streaming and gaming?
In this paper, a novel data partitioning method is presented, aiming at reducing error propagation for video streaming.
Although video streaming is a no-show, both full IM and voice communication is supported directly over wireless networks.
An optimal rate allocation method for fine granularity scalable video streaming based on rate-distortion function was presented.
It elaborates the process to realize this plan, and introduces the application of audio and video streaming transmission to network.
A P2P approach for video streaming would be to hold a copy of a file in different parts of the world and serve it from multiple points to users.
P 2 P架构下流媒体视频是在世界各地的用户那里都放上文件的一个拷贝然后在用户索取的时候通过多点提供给用户。
The options listed with the object made it clear this was for a video streaming service (see image above), and it even contains references to Skype.
HTML5 also lacks the "robust video streaming" necessary for streaming full movies and live events, as has become more and more common on YouTube.
An ideal video streaming mechanism should not only let user view smooth quality videos but also try to let videos transmit on the network smoothly.
These specs apply to any developer looking to include a video streaming app in the app Store, from Netflix to Hulu, and reveal some interesting facts.
Many of the avid fans are young men-precisely the group that might be most tempted by video streaming, illegal file-sharing and other things of that sort.
Zhao said the regulator had previously not strictly enforced regulations against video streaming websites buying the rights to overseas films and TV series.
It can handle images, music, video streaming and other forms of media, including web browsing, telephone meetings, e-commerce, and other information services.
This will result in video streaming technology that allows videos to start faster, play smoother (with no buffering), and deliver higher quality video resolution.
Sony already offers a video streaming service through its PlayStation 3 console, but the Netflix deal will add around 17, 000 films and television shows to the platform.
And Apple's HTTP live streaming specs for cell networks-which every video streaming app for iPhone and iPad has to use, from Netflix to sling-run from 64kbps to 240kbps.
The system also applies intelligent video streaming technology, which adopts different transmission way according to different network bandwidth and transmission speed.
In April, China began a campaign to "clean up" the Internet that saw popular US TV shows such as the Big Bang Theory and the Good Wife removed from video streaming sites.
With the popularization of network and rapid development of multimedia technology in recent years, the video streaming transmission technique on the network is applied widely.
Ustream, the live video streaming service that hit the mainstream recently thanks to a litter of Shiba Inu puppies, just announced Watershed, a new white-label streaming video service.
近来得益于一窝西巴犬崽冲击主流的流媒体视频直播服务,刚刚发布了Watershed ,一种新的白标签流媒体视频服务。
Ustream, the live video streaming service that hit the mainstream recently thanks to a litter of Shiba Inu puppies, just announced Watershed, a new white-label streaming video service.
近来得益于一窝西巴犬崽冲击主流的流媒体视频直播服务,刚刚发布了Watershed ,一种新的白标签流媒体视频服务。