That shift, in turn, place an unprecedented premium on "knowledge workers", a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people who view themselves as free agents in a seller's market.
If you try to print or view a class file as text, you'll generally see many strings of this type, each a reference to some class.
The function f is type as a function that takes a single input parameter of type View (another class from Android) and returns Unit, which is the Scala equivalent of void.
这个函数f的类型为带一个View 类型(Android中的另一个类)的输入参数的函数,并返回Unit,它是void在Scala 中的对等物。
DKWorkListICM - This class represents a filtered view (based on criteria such as worknode and priority) for a collection of workpackages.
DKWorkListICM ——这个类代表工作包集合的一个筛选视图(基于工作节点和优先级这样的标准)。
As described above, you must create a view NIB file and view controller for each application window to associate any view to the correct view controller class.
The convention used in this example is to use a class diagram with a name that is the same as the component, and, in the package containing the component, to show its external view.
This runtime view allows you to reason about runtime properties such as performance, security, availability, which are hard to assess looking at package and class diagrams.
The Van Dyck Shirleys capture the enchantment with exoticism that seems almost as emblematic of upper-class English life as the portraits of lords and dogs on view.
They can then view the list of class activities and select their level of participation (purchase supplies, help prepare, assist, or serve as an activity leader).
The View class serves as the base for subclasses called "widgets," which offer fully implemented UI objects, like text fields and buttons.
Adding microformat output is even easier than generating JSON, as we just need to make sure we apply the class name conventions in our.rhtml view files.
To do this, you select the class and apply a stereotype in the Properties view, as shown in Figure 13.
To simplify, you will use the same class (such as ListElementViewController) for two methods: view controller and table view delegate.
The List Window is made up of a Table view, which is your cloud list (UITableView class), as shown in Figure 13.
List窗口是由一个表格视图构成的,这是您的云清单(UITableView类),如图 13 所示。
The next task is to go back to the XCode IDE and add some member variables, properties, and methods to the view controller class definition as in Listing 5.
Drag the filter field of the filter class from the Page Data View onto the Page, as shown in Figure 7.
To add an attribute, click the add button in the Properties view and enter the attribute Name and Class, as shown in Figure 7.
As most students choose their major for the view that it will be good for their future, so they are not actually interested in their major and they will be bored in the class.
The component class manages the hero model used in the data binding as well as other code to support the view.
Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after time.
Thee study also found working-class cohabitating couples were more apt to view marriage as "just a piece of paper, " nearly identical to their existing relationship.
研究还发现,工人阶层的同居情侣更倾向于认为婚姻“只是一张纸”,和他们现有的关系几乎没什么两样。 。
The class nature hidden in education as well as the problem and paradox in educational practice of western countries provided the social basis for the existing of dysfunction view on education.
Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after t…
The host view of the add-in is the abstract base class or interface that describes the methods used by the host and the add-in, as specified in the contract.
Ideology, class, money as well as other people's help are important factors used to explain her view.
The add-in view pipeline segment often contains more than one abstract class but the class that the add-in inherits from is known as the add-in base.
This is a simplistic view of the framework as it does not take into account the different base class view types etc. which the framework supports.
This is a simplistic view of the framework as it does not take into account the different base class view types etc. which the framework supports.