Using the same sample data just discussed above, the following illustrates the difference in cardinality estimates with and without the use of statistical view for the query.
By merely changing the sample view of your data, you can significantly change the values in your reports.
To give the agent some data to work with, the sample database contains a Memos view with some mail-in subscribe and unsubscribe requests.
If a new broker has had statistics started since the view was opened, click Refresh on the Graph view to connect to the new broker. Here are some sample statistics data.
This causes the sample contents to be shown in the Data Output view as shown in Figure 13.
For sampling profile data, the IPs view identifies the instructions in a function that was directly executing when the sample was collected.
In view of the sample which have scanning blind area such as a deep hole, alignment method is presented based on the characteristics of data.
In view of the sample which have scanning blind area such as a deep hole, alignment method is presented based on the characteristics of data.