In the UK, matches are scheduled for prime time TV viewing.
The preference now is for streaming—so videos, movies or games can be consumed in real time—rather than downloading for later viewing.
That might seem like a bit of a paradox, but at the same time that viewers are watching content that is more relevant to them, they are also sharing what they’re viewing with others.
Better still, two users viewing the same model city at the same time from different sides of the table could each see the 3d effect with the correct perspective for their position.
As people have progressively more time on their hands, viewing hours increase.
The best viewing time starts around midnight, but things will start getting more exciting as the night goes on.
In 2001, it says, people between 16 and 24 spent 74% of their viewing time watching channels such as the BBC and channel 4, but in 2005 only 58% of their time.
在2001年,16 -24岁的年轻人看电视总时间的74%是花在BBC和第四频道上的,但是到了2005年这个数字减少到了58%。
Capturing and viewing coverage information for AS3 applications in real time.
Now would be a good time to equip yourself with a utility capable of viewing a CosNaming namespace.
NASA says that more geomagnetic storms occur in the fall and spring, and this is a great time for viewing the aurora borealis or australis (if you're lucky enough to be in an area where it's visible!)
Then, when rendering a page, you can determine the time that is spent rendering each key area by viewing the HTML source.
I currently live in Switzerland where the average daily viewing time is closer to three hours.
The most important element is a cloud-free sky. And, statistically, 10pm to 11pm is the optimum viewing time.
Every mean of viewing and solving things can be found in this world. That is why I would spend time investigating the world, universe and people.
They have also submitted requests for viewing time on big telescopes in order to follow up on some of the more unusual discoveries made by volunteers.
As more people time shift TV shows for later viewing, skipping through the commercials with their remote, TV shows' advertising revenues have been affected.
Now, many experts accept the view that memories are stored like individual files on a shelf; each time they are pulled down for viewing, they can be altered before being put back into storage.
While this might make your website look cutting edge, it can also have a negative impact on page loading times, especially if a lot of people are viewing the site at the same time.
But its findings indicate that might not be the case, and the researchers advise parents to limit their children's computer use and TV viewing time to ensure their "optimal well-being."
Families with DVRs seem to spend 15-20% of their viewing time watching pre-recorded shows, and skip only about half of all advertisements.
Responding in "real time," much closer to daily events, survey respondents tended to rate television viewing more highly as a daily activity.
Viewing a single instance of an SNMP OID property at one time is not always very useful.
The negative space in this photo adds to the feeling of viewing an object frozen in time.
The stream mode is my personal choice, because it offers real-time viewing of audit events due to the audit log file being written to in text mode.
When we have time for leisure we tend to fill that time with physical activity or with passive TV viewing.
Observers can also watch rare phenomena of penumbral lunar eclipse with the aid of instruments that night at the best viewing time of 22:38.2.
If you’ve never watched early television programs, it’s instructive viewing. Television was at that time often referred to as “radio with pictures”, and that’s a pretty accurate description.
The study begs the question, though: since most kids these days easily exceed the 2 hour recommended maximum screen viewing time, what's to be done?
We blink every couple seconds, which means we lose about six seconds out of every minute of viewing time.
We blink every couple seconds, which means we lose about six seconds out of every minute of viewing time.