The leopard strayed into the village area and attacked several villagers before being caught.
In the 1966 surfing cult movie the Endless Summer, two American surfers came to the Ngor village area of Senegal.
One such workshop lies in the Sanbao Village area across a river. Here, artists and businesspeople have opened workshops and studios throughout a lush valley.
For example, in the vast, flooded Kosi River Area of Bihar State in India, our vaccination teams can travel for up to seven hours to reach the last child in the furthest village.
The MoH organized a catch-up vaccination campaign in an area of 15 kms around the affected village to prevent the occurrence of cases.
Clicking on one transports you to the village where you can click on items throughout the area that can help the local village members.
The picturesque village and its surrounding countryside had become the focus of a police manhunt and 24-hour news coverage after Moat's car was found in the area.
Torba a modern village in the administrative area of the Bodrum Municipality is a small but notable tourist resort.
The image on the left provides a view of the area from Vancouver northward to the Whistler skiing village.
Torba, a modern village in the administrative area of the Bodrum Municipality, is a small but notable tourist resort.
On the outskirts of the Hungarian village of Etyek, 29 km (18 miles) west of Budapest, there is a sprawling open area surrounded by vineyards.
A solid goldbull weighing a ton also greets visitors at a viewing area on the 60th-floor ofthe tower, a testament to the wealth of the village.
They reached the village on June 20th, during an operation to regain control of the area.
After her eye-opening visit in 2007, Yoying considered building a wall around her family’s land. Instead, she decided to help restore the village and the surrounding area.
The ornithologists studied a small colony that was living close to the village of Feherto in southern Hungary, an area of fishponds surrounded by willow and poplar trees.
An official in the village where the woman lived said disinfection teams had visited the area Monday.
Residents of the Karatina area of central Kenya awoke to the sight of dead bodies lying in the village roads.
But thick clouds and an overcast sky obscured the view at the Indian village of Taregna, "epicentre" of the eclipse, says our correspondent in the area.
They are spread over a 1,100-acre area, and visitors can see many from the unpaved road leading to Nikola-Lenivets or by wandering through the tranquil village of wooden houses.
the family just moved into this cottage in pittenweem, a small fishing village with one of the last working harbors in the area , just 7 months ago.
Kanchana and her sister had left their village in Thampalagama, an area in the east more loosely controlled by the LTTE, for a holiday with a brother living there.
A resident walks in an area damaged by tsunami as the debris among the trees shows the height of the tsunami at a village in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan on March 16, 2011.
Kings valley landscape park, beautiful scenery, arts and culture, to distinguish group spring show, rural village, recreational five area.
The rural area some raise sheep's small village, crammed full has caught up with when the weekend holiday from the neighbor city eats roasts the sheep the restaurant patron.
Where the plant of a township and village enterprise is mortgaged, the right to use construction land within the area of such plant shall be mortgaged together.
Method: A survey was conducted in one village of Kunming Area, and then the population was divided into exposure group and control group according to the use of pesticides.
Method: A survey was conducted in one village of Kunming Area, and then the population was divided into exposure group and control group according to the use of pesticides.