But the parents of the two boys then lodged a case against the village council for ordering such a brutal killing.
Rajani, 19, changed her mind after two days and the couple got married, Arun Kumar Mishra, a village council official said.
The assault was apparently sanctioned by the village council after a local woman said she had used witchcraft to cause death.
The village council asks each Mosuo household to send one representative to sing and dance around the bonfire for the tourists.
Your village has fallen on hard times (due to reckless spending by the village Council) and it's up to you to bring back some gold.
But the parents of the two boys then lodged a case against the village council for ordering such a brutal killing. Convictions were largely based on the parents' testimony.
Sharon Watkins wasn't the first to be offered one of two new council houses in an isolated village in Lincolnshire.
A council of elders in a village in southern India has ordered a woman to fall at their feet for five hours, as punishment for requesting a divorce.
From the camps they were dropped at the town council, registered, and then took a bus to the village.
The council, or panchayat, of Ranpur village, 340 km (210 miles) south of state capital Jaipur, then decided to take the law into its own hands.
And in 1987, the chairman of the parish council touched off a revolt when he tried to turn the village into a town.
And in 1987, the chairman of the parish council touched off a revolt when he tried to turn the village into a town.