There isn't much violent crime in a small town like Green Ville, or at least not as much as in the large urban areas.
I just saw an exposition of the photos that had never been seen before; but anyway, this is the Hotel de Ville which is down by Notre Dame.
Here comes the LEGO Ville ambulance!
Ville thanked me and started to show me the place.
She made us supper while Ville showed me the other rooms.
I have seen him but now, on his way to the h? Tel DE Ville, a prisoner.
Horton facing the primary problem, is the "to" who-ville residents to find a suitable place to live.
The creator of the -Ville online game franchise will make its public debut in a fast-thawing tech IPO market.
She would always laugh and talk about how ridiculous she would look rolling by in a candy-paint Coupe De Ville.
She would always laugh and talk about how ridiculous she would look rolling by in a candy-paint 3)Coupe De Ville.
There isn't much violent crime in a small town like Green Ville, or at least not as much as in large urban areas.
It starts out as an ordinary day for the mayor of Who-ville, but soon his whole world is turned upside-down... literally.
Museed 'art moderne DE la ville DE Paris is an art museum dedicated to the arts of the 20th century and to contemporary art.
This project reflects the orientations of the Old Montreal Protection and Enhancement Plan, adopted by the Ville DE Montreal in 2013.
So Horton treats the microscopic residents of Who-ville as equals because, as he proclaims, "a person's a person no matter how small."
Enter C-Ville, a quirky and irreverent interactive world, chock full of choice and focused on the education and prevention of youth tobacco.
输入c -威乐,一个诡异的互动性和不敬的世界里,满满满的选择和对青年的教育和烟草预防为重点。
Florence Hayes is a journalist for the Green Ville journal, the daily newspaper in town. Specifically she covers crime in the Green Ville area.
A novel fault identification algorithm based on smooth pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) is proposed, which focused on the time-frequency analysis of network traffic.
M. Paer, the author of Agnese, a good sort of fellow, with a square face and a wart on his cheek, directed the little private concerts of the Marquise de Sasenaye in the Rue Ville l'Eveque.
The Wigner Ville time frequency analysis in conjunction with properly selected OFDM parameters is applied to evaluate the signal dynamic range performance over the low voltage power line network.
The paper introduces the design idea and scheme of DSPPA public broadcasting system for Expo Ville Shanghai in combination with the requirements of National standard of public broadcasting(draft).
Florence is very interested in this type of crime and tries to write a long article about each one. She expects that this will make women more careful when they walk around Green Ville alone at night.
Florence is very interested in this type of crime and tries to write a long article about each one. She expects that this will make women more careful when they walk around Green Ville alone at night.