Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign.
As vindication of the truth of their mission, God often vests them with miracles: Abraham was saved from fire, Noah from the deluge, and Moses from the Pharaoh.
Better relations with America are portrayed in Russia as a belated American recognition of past errors and a vindication of the Kremlin's assertiveness, notably over Georgia.
NOT for the first time, Armenians sense a moment of vindication in their struggle for the acknowledgment of the tragedy that befell their forebears during the first world war.
The theory’s vindication would come only with a glimpse of W and Z bosons—particles which, it posited, carried the weak force, just as photons carried the electromagnetic one.
因为,这个理论的最终证实, 惟赖人们一瞥玻色子W和Z的真容——该理论推断这两种粒子携带弱相互作用力,就像光子携带有电磁力一样。
Parenting groups yesterday welcomed the findings as “a vindication of common sense” and urged parents to allow their children greater freedom to play outdoors.
Last week, the silent authors had their moment of vindication as Eastern Europe went haywire.
Yes, there will be a sense of validation and vindication when you raise the trophy above your head, remembering everyone who ever said you wouldn't amount to anything.
Both sides claimed vindication from a report by a group of European experts into the causes of last year's war between Russia and Georgia.
For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places: Absolute forgiveness... or mortal vindication.
Insist on is the belief that disintegration, habits, is a vindication of pleasure, inner power!
The huge success of The Old Man and the Sea, published in 1952 , was a much-needed vindication .
In the case of serious criticism of the dialectic category of "totality" by the post-modernism, a vindication from the viewpoint of extrapolation may be a new solution to the issue.
You feel an enormous sense of vindication and relief to see a native speaker experience the exact same difficulty you experience every day.
Occurring problems of hot blast stoves in iron-smelting production and ways of solving problem are introduced. Meanwhile, the preventive measures in the design and vindication handing are put forward.
Occurring problems of hot blast stoves in iron-smelting production and ways of solving problem are introduced. Meanwhile, the preventive measures in the design and vindication handing are put forward.