Nature does seem to have a slight preference for matter, still: a violation of so-called charge-parity (CP) symmetry that has been experimentally verified many times in the lab.
The pragmatic research holds that humor results from the violation of the maxims of Grice's Cooperative Principle (CP).
Since 1995, by the promotion of B factory and other large B experiments, the study of B meson decays and CP violation have become one of the hot topics of the international particle physics research.
The existence of color-electric dipole moment will provide another source of CP-violation, which is crucial in explaining the disparity between matter and antimatter in the Universe.
So explore the cause of the problem CP breaking is the present one of the difficulties problems in physics, CP violation also become understanding of cosmology and particle physics in the core.
So explore the cause of the problem CP breaking is the present one of the difficulties problems in physics, CP violation also become understanding of cosmology and particle physics in the core.