Just remember that violet light is the end that actually has the shortest wavelength, which means that it also has, of course, the highest frequency.
But birds have an extra cone for seeing violet and ultraviolet light.
Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra -violet light.
Psionatrix of Psychometabolism: Violet light glimmers in this crystal's heart.
Uv varnish Varnishes which dried immediately by exposure to ultra-violet light.
The scientists needed a source of violet light, and found it in the gold nanoparticles.
The hardness and tensile strength of PVC products could be improved by ultra -violet light radiation.
After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light.
The polygonal segments of the surface react to ultra-violet light, mapping the position and intensity of solar rays.
White opal may show a white, greenish, bluish or brownish fluorescence in long wave and short wave ultra-violet light.
That violet light strikes the nearby chlorophyll molecules, excites them, and the chlorophyll then produces the red light.
Violet light is hard to come by though, especially at night, when glowing leaves would be useful to drivers and pedestrians.
Ultra-violet light is not in the part of the visible spectrum, but why does an ultra-violet lamp emit violet colored light?
However, under certain circumstances, such as being exposed to violet light, chlorophyll can also produce a light of its own.
The pile is fully siliconised and also UV stabilized to minimise the effects of ultra violet light and can withstands wide range of temperature variation.
They are only visible when they are bathed in ultra-violet light and subjecting them to such constant bombardment would be not only impractical but harmful.
In a trench dug by a University of South Florida Coastal Research Lab team, layers of oil-stained sand light up orange under ultraviolet light. Clean sand appears violet.
Scientists at Newcastle University have developed a cancer fighting technology which USES ultra-violet light to activate antibodies which very specifically attack tumours.
Ooptical bleaching agent: a chemical which is used in the furnish of bright-white papers to enhance their brightness, and which does so by converting ultra-violet light into visible light.
Base on this principle, a three-beam holography system is set up. The diffraction efficiency and the quality of the diffraction image are shown to be greatly improved by the auxiliary violet light.
Especially, an effective three-photon and four-photon infrared quantum cutting of Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystalline excited by visible and near-violet light are found for the first time in the present paper.
更重要的是,我们首次发现了Er0.3 Gd 0.7 VO4晶体材料的可见激发的三光子的有效的红外量子剪裁现象和浅紫外激发的四光子的有效的红外量子剪裁现象。
In order to reveal the relationship between blue-violet light signal and the surface quality in cladding process, the blue-violet light signal intensity was measured in real time with a UV-420 device.
为了揭示熔覆时产生的蓝紫光信号与熔覆表面质量的关系,采用UV - 420对熔覆产生的蓝紫光信号强度进行实时检测。
The avian eye is complex. Like humans, birds' eyes can detect light along the electromagnetic spectrum from violet to red.
When shorter wavelengths of light, invisible to the human eye, hit the gold nanoparticles, they get excited and start to glow violet.
Specifically, what is going on here is the Earth's atmosphere scatters light in the blue and violet wavelength range, so the remaining wavelengths of light appear yellow.
Water refracts, or bends, the light, separating it into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet
Mark Robinson of Arizona State University, sifted through the data for telltale jumps in the ratio of ultra-violet to visible light.
Visible light, for humans, has wavelengths ranging from 400 nanometers, where the perceived colors are violet and purple, to 700 nanometers, which is deep red.
The lasers most people are familiar with are the green dots highlighting a PowerPoint presentation or the blue (actually closer to violet) light found in Blu-ray technology.
The lasers most people are familiar with are the green dots highlighting a PowerPoint presentation or the blue (actually closer to violet) light found in Blu-ray technology.