The most common examples of this problem actually occur with Visual Basic, where it is common for programmers to attach 10k script to a single control, like a pushbutton.
此问题最常见的示例其实发生在Visual Basic中,程序员在Visual Basic中经常会向一个单独的控件(如按钮)附加10K大小的脚本。
The developer can also use a Visual Basic-like scripting language called Lotus Script to write more complex applications.
开发人员还可以使用类似于Visual Basic 的、名为LotusScript 的脚本编制语言来编写更加复杂的应用程序。
The developer can also use a Visual Basic-like scripting language called Lotus Script to write more complex applications.
开发人员还可以使用类似于Visual Basic 的、名为LotusScript 的脚本编制语言来编写更加复杂的应用程序。