Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
Furthermore, her memories usually appear in her imagination in order of time, and the images visualized are always specific.
Right-click on the visualized element.
Emboli can be directly visualized in 20% of cases.
Figure 8 shows elements being visualized as classes in the class diagram.
Figure 8 shows how this information is visualized from the SQL outline.
You are doing it this way to see how your code is visualized as an UML model.
Rule models can be visualized in DesignStudio just like classification or clustering models.
与分类或集群模型类似,规则模型也可以在DesignStudio 被可视化。
The data can be easily organized into a format that can be analyzed or visualized in a report.
With code visualization, you can develop the external code as it is visualized in the model.
Although all of the possible expenditures add up, the number values aren't visualized in any way.
Reporting console: BIRT reports can be dynamically generated and visualized in a web console.
The differences between the three class reloading approaches are visualized in this Comparison Matrix.
For example, the results of a spatial query that identifies customers within a flood zone can be visualized.
Parallel branching is modeled with the parallel (and) gateway and visualized with a diamond containing a '+'.
并行分支用parallel (AND)gateway建立,它显示为一个包含“+”的菱形。
In this article, the Echo Tops image will provide the height data, but will not produce any visualized pixels.
The telecommunication companies have built powerful servers to make sense of the data and produce visualized results.
How many times have you visualized the worst that could happen instead of focusing on the success you might have?
This service can also be visualized at two different levels of abstraction, similar to the catalog service above.
Inclusive branching is modeled with the inclusive (OR) gateway and visualized with a diamond containing a circle.
包含分支用inclusive (OR)gateway建立,它显示为一个内含圆形的菱形。
To visualize the code behavior when you reverse engineer code, specify that flowcharts for operations are visualized.
and visualized a new type of urban dwelling that would house a lot of people and yet still provide them with privacy.
Safdie对市郊生活感到不满 ,他通过此建筑呈现出一种新型城市住宅类型,在这里可以住很多人而且享有私人生活空间。
Alternative branching is modeled with the exclusive (XOR) gateway visualized as a diamond, optionally marked with an 'x'.
可选分支用exclusive (XOR)gateway建立,它显示为一个菱形,也可以用“x”标记。
Elevation data is a good example of a single-band raster dataset, often visualized with a color ramp, as shown in Figure 2.
You can now add or remove client views (Local or Remote) after the bean has been created and visualized on a class diagram.
In fact, it can be so challenging that you forget the excitement and wonderment you had when you first visualized your goal.
In this view, the goal is to deliver functionality that can be controlled and visualized by business users, and also enable re-use.
Figure 8 shows the visualized data of the average rainfall for the Dublin (Ireland) and Vancouver (BC, Canada) international airports.
图8展示了Dublin (Ireland)和Vancouver (BC,Canada)国际机场的平均降雨量的可视化数据。
The end node is visualized with a circle containing a cross, while the stop node is visualized with a circle containing a black dot.
Visualized C++ elements on diagram are differentiated from UML classes by using C++ specific icon and stereotypes, which are shown in Table 1.
图标中可视化 C++元素与UML类在使用 C++特殊标符和结构上有所区分,它们显示在表格 1中。