He also conducted separate in-depth interviews with 52 people who have worked on voice-recognition technology (a field in which Marx himself once worked).
This type of technology, known as voice control or voice recognition, has been shown in films and TV shows since the 1960s.
"I always felt that voice recognition was a technology that would someday be applied to mainstream USES," he says.
Others are skeptical that voice recognition and brain sensor technology will ever be reliable enough to replace physical controls.
Researchers will study how to use signatures, fingerprints, iris patterns, face recognition technology and voice scans to confirm the identity of computer users.
In other words, Siri isn't just voice recognition technology, but voice comprehension — and that's changing the way users interact with their mobile devices.
Yes, Nuance is powering the new Siri Assistant in Apple's upcoming iPhone 4s with its voice recognition technology.
"Voice recognition is really the holy grail to technology," Rizzo says.
里佐说:“语音识别技术确实是技术领域至高无上的圣杯(holy grail)。”
Another option is to swap physical means of controlling technology with voice recognition systems, which are already used in some devices, or pure intuition.
When you're done speaking, release the left-side key, and our voice recognition technology will figure out your request and find the business you've been looking for, no typing needed.
当你说完后,松开左键(left -side键),我们的语音识别技术将会识别你的需求并找到你想查询的地点,无需输入任何信息。
With energy based on the critical characteristics of voice recognition technology, optical distance measurement diagram.
Speaker Recognition (Voice Print Recognition) technology has been widely used in the information security domain due to its unique advantages.
This paper expounds the voice synthesis and the voice recognition technology, the voice processing system and the application of the voice processor in the electronic measurement field.
The paper has introduced a instance in phonetic recognition is used of SALT technology in detail afterwards: Interactive voice response system on the basis of SALT.
Speech recognition is technology that machine transforms voice signal of human into corresponding text or order through recognition and understanding process.
Which voice signals cutting through voice recognition technology, based on the acoustic model energy threshold, graphics than a way to correct pronunciation sectors.
But despite these limitations, people working with the technology believe voice recognition is close to coming of age.
The invention provides a method and equipment for realizing meeting minutes by using a voice recognition technology.
Speaker recognition, also known as voiceprint recognition, is a kind of technology using test voice to identify who the speaker is.
Voice conversion is a new area of speech technology; the studies on it will promote the research of speech analysis, speech coding, speech synthesis, speech enhancement, speech recognition and so on.
Iris recognition technology is projected to grow at a CAGR of nearly 36% from 2008 to 2012 followed by hand geometry, voice recognition and face recognition.
虹膜识别技术预测的复合年增长率为36 %,近08年至2012年之后,手几何,语音识别和面部识别。
The NTI 64 can support dual T-1 interfaces with non-blocking voice resources and has the ability to store biometrics and speech recognition technology using only a single card slot.
NTI 64可以支持双t - 1接口,无阻塞语音资源,并且具有存储语音特征和语音识别技术的能力,全部工作只需要一个单板槽位。
Both manufacturers use voice recognition to control services, though the technology is in its infancy.
Both manufacturers use voice recognition to control services, though the technology is in its infancy.