It's knowing now where I am weakest And the voice in my head. in my head.
Before I used this exercises it was as if I had a little voice in my head saying;
"Lulu said, 'Then I heard your annoying voice in my head, saying," Keep thinking!
The first time I tried the index card method, I noticed an inner voice in my head.
I wanted to forget, thought I was forgetting, but could hear quite clearly her voice in my head.
This voice in my head would speak to me, saying, "You're done, but I'd like you to do it again."
I had never consciously thought about subvocalizing or not, but now that you mention it, yes I don't subvocalize when I read. I don't even hear the words as a voice in my head.
Just in time for the trial performance, I was able to maintain power in my singing despite the switch to a head voice.
And if my use of the word 'brave' in this context makes you scoff, you must not have the derisive little voice in your head that I do, whispering that you're a failure, contemptible, poor.
And yet, there was always that nagging little voice in the back of my head judging it a bit naughty but nice...
Seeing me nod my head, he felt very pleased and said to me in a low but happy voice, "If you like, we can get married in an Irish way!"
And suddenly Hassan's voice whispered in my head: _for you, a thousand times over_. Hassan the harelipped kite runner.
Came the the voice of my husband from the armchair behind me, whose head was buried in the newspaper.
But now there came from out the niche a low laugh that erected the hairs upon my head. It was succeeded by a sad voice, which I had difficulty in recognising as that of the noble Fortunato.
"Think she's something?" the short one asked in a softer voice. I ducked my head, cheeks flaming.
Her voice breaks, and she comes over to me and buries her head in my shoulder.
"My son has refused to go to school ever since. He says every time he gets near the gate a voice asks him not to go. He always knocks his head into the wall, saying his brain is in a mess, " Lu said.
Or the voice in your head that keeps asking awful questions: "Should I be doing more with my gifts?"
Or the voice in your head that keeps asking awful questions: "Should I be doing more with my gifts?"