Thee output of acetone and dichloromethane which raw material volatilized is little.
生产工艺过程产生的丙酮,原料挥发产生的二氯甲烷、丙酮等产生量较小。 缪。
The result obtained show that the amounts of ammonia volatilized from soybean were different at different growth stages.
Large vacuum desiccator was used to collect ammonia volatilized from above ground parts of soybean during its growth period.
The hydration exothermic action of multi-component cement based materials blending with fly ash, slag and volatilized silica was studied.
Environmental certification in full compliance with the Finnish M1, M1 certified products with the smell of volatilized level equivalent to the glass.
But researchers have been stymied because not all the technetium-99 is incorporated into the glass and volatilized gas must be recycled back into the melter system.
但研究人员一直没有成功,因为不是所有的锝- 99都能纳入到玻璃容器中,挥发性气体也必须被回收到熔化系统里。
Vitrification is the safest disposal method at present. Howevee, some harmful substance volatilized from fly ash in melting process, which caused second contamination.
Lower temperatures will reduce surface evaporation of constituents minimizing the capillary action that draws constituents to the surface where they would be volatilized.
Warm liquor or yellow wine may be aroma for drinking and some bad substances like aldehyde with low boiling point could be volatilized so as to reduce injurious ingredients.
At the entrance of the oven, the exhaust air equipment discharges volatilized solvent in order to avoid exhaust gas participating in the second circulation and ensure safety.
In this paper, the biological mechanism, volatilized amounts and its determination methods were deeply discussed based on the results obtained by our research group and other work at home and aboard.
In this paper, the biological mechanism, volatilized amounts and its determination methods were deeply discussed based on the results obtained by our research group and other work at home and aboard.