You might want to be fierce on the volleyball court or shooting range, and svelte at a bar or in the bedroom.
As you run around the volleyball court, the mosquitoes sense your movement and head toward you.
At the beach volleyball court, fans whistled and jeered when a Canadian team served. The public-address announcer asked them to cheer for everyone.
But Tom also had to adapt to it on the volleyball court, where questions and discussions were uncommon.
Volleyball is played on a rectangular court divided across its width by a high net.
Sandis tipped into newly Built volleyball court.
Plastic school halls and more than a basketball court and volleyball court , laboratories, function rooms, living facilities.
There's even a volleyball court in the middle of the squat building that sits underneath the radar.
Volleyball is a collective sport, so the "consciousness on the court" seems extremely important, especially in the constantly changing match, and it is one of critical reasons for gain and loss.
The utility model aims to provide the touch-net prompting device which can prompt people that a volleyball player touches the net in a volleyball match, comprising a volleyball court.
本实用新型就是提供一种在排球比赛中可提醒人们有排球队员触网的触网 提示器。
For those looking for a bit of friendly competition, two lighted tennis courts, a video game room, Olympic-size sand volleyball court, and even seasonal fishing by reservation are offered.
For those looking for a bit of friendly competition, two lighted tennis courts, a video game room, Olympic-size sand volleyball court, and even seasonal fishing by reservation are offered.