Corrosion of reinforcement leads to a volume increase, causing splitting stresses in the concrete.
The specific surface area and pore volume increase with carbon conversion during steam gasification.
Tmall Global, an online mall that only sells international goods, saw total sales volume increase 179% in the quarter.
The technology of infrared radiation is going to be broad developing prospects with the use volume increase of the pi…
In 2010, small retailers that accept American Express saw a 28% sales volume increase over the day before on small Business Saturday, AmEx says.
The early trophic feeding, slow volume increase and careful fast, are suggested to improve the feeding tolerance and gastrointestinal maturation.
In addition, with the extension of runoff-yielding time during the rainfall process, the sediment from slope tended to accelerate more rapidly than runoff volume increase.
While traditional direct mail typically costs between $1 and $2 per piece, email campaigns can cost as little as pennies per piece. (N.B. not every company drops prices with volume increase).
In addition, affected by the volume increase, sound field special effects, and other factors such as frequent operation, the actual duration may be different from specified one to a certain extent .
Increase the volume and the speed with which we move natural resources through the consumer economy to the junk pile or the waste heap.
However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.
Head circumference is an indicator of brain volume, so a greater increase in head circumference in a newly-born baby suggests more rapid brain growth.
Multiple conditions can be combined, so users can be alerted, for example, when response time and call volume both increase above target levels at the same time.
If the listener wants to hear two people talking, but one is naturally much quieter than the other, they can increase the volume of the quieter talker and reduce that of the other, ’ said Günel.
According to Symantec, the volume of spam emanating from the US continues to increase.
For example, if the number of data packets is staying constant, but the number of interrupts is increasing, increase the volume of the network note to emphasize attention on that aspect.
So I've got, this piston here is compressed, and I slowly, slowly increase the volume, drop the temperature.
Within a short amount of time, we began to see several other users significantly increase their volume of authenticated calls.
An example would be scraping your fingernail across the table top to increase or decrease volume on your media player.
However the report points out that a growing volume of research publications does not necessarily mean in increase in quality.
Under worst case scenarios, an average 20 percent increase in the volume of overflows is possible, and those overflows will last longer.
It is not merely the dizzying increase in the volume of information (the amount of data being stored doubles every 18 months). It is also the combination of omnipresence and fragmentation.
Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager.
Our computational approach allows us to increase the volume of data analyzed 100,000-fold and to perform the necessary analysis in a few hours rather than a few months.
Our computational approach allows us to increase the volume of data analyzed 100, 000-fold and to perform the necessary analysis in a few hours rather than a few months.
The bilateral trade volume in 2002 was an increase of 20 times compared with the years before 1980, when diplomatic ties were established.
The bilateral trade volume in 2002 was an increase of 20 times compared with the years before 1980, when diplomatic ties were established.