A reasonable criterion of vortex ring state boundary for helicopter is acquired based on model rotor tests.
The results show that the interaction between a viscous vortex ring and a free surface is different from the inviscid one.
Physically, at a special critical wave speed the flow may have a naturally periodical separated-reattached pattern, with each wave trough capturing a stable vortex ring.
Theoritical analysis has shown that triangular singularity distribution has special advantages over the other ones(vortex ring or constant distribution) in the prediction of nonuniform flow field.
To investigate helicopter vortex-ring state, the phenomenon and reason of helicopter vortex-ring state flight accident is analyzed from the view of helicopter aerodynamics.
In addition to balance vortex internal pressure of compressed gas beyond, still provides top and bottom sealing force between the slot, the sealing force to achieve by floating sealing ring.
The result shows that the model of neural network can predict the effect of blade negative-twist on helicopter vortex-ring state.
Former deputy leaves on the cover can reduce the imports of the vortex impeller and particle loss of the wear and tear on the seal ring.
A new type of the double-vortex beam is generated by the coaxial superposition of vortex beams with two different topological charges, whose intensity distribution is double-ring.
A new type of the double-vortex beam is generated by the coaxial superposition of vortex beams with two different topological charges, whose intensity distribution is double-ring.